4–8 Nov 2019
Adelaide Convention Centre
Australia/Adelaide timezone

FTS improvements for LHC Run-3 and beyond

4 Nov 2019, 14:45
Riverbank R8 (Adelaide Convention Centre)

Riverbank R8

Adelaide Convention Centre

Oral Track 4 – Data Organisation, Management and Access Track 4 – Data Organisation, Management and Access


Edward Karavakis (CERN)


The File Transfer Service developed at CERN and in production since 2014, has become fundamental component for LHC experiments workflows.

Starting from the beginning of 2018 with the participation to the EU project Extreme Data Cloud (XDC) [1] and the activities carried out in the context of the DOMA TPC [2] and QoS [3] working groups, a series of new developments and improvements has been planned and performed taking also into account the requirements from the experiments.

This talk will mainly focus on the support for OpenID Connect and the QoS integration via CDMI as output of the XDC project.

The integration with OpenID Connect is also following the direction of the future Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI) for WLCG experiments.
The service scalability enhancements, the support for Xrootd and HTTP TPC and the first 'non-gridftp' transfers experiences via FTS between WLCG production sites will be also described, with an emphasis on performance comparison.
The service enhancements are meeting the requirements for LHC Run-3 and facilitating the adoption for other HEP and non-HEP communities.

[1] http://www.extreme-datacloud.eu/

[2] https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/ThirdPartyCopy

[3] https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/QoS

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