We encourage all speakers to take note of the following guidelines when preparing their slides and getting them to use before their presentations.
At the conference there will be a dedicated speaker support desk where presenters can ensure their material is uploaded and will be correctly displayed in the rooms.
Uploading materials
We will be using INDICO to run the meeting -- please make sure you have found your talk at:
and that we have linked your correct (CERN based) INDICO account to your presentation. This will allow you to upload your presentation materials (PDF or PPT) prior to the meeting. We will download the slides from there prior to your session and have them available on the presentation computer in the conference hall. -
Please make your slides available on INDICO at least 24 hours before your talk. We will upload all materials to a room computer prior to the session. We will probably do this ~12 hours prior to each session to avoid any INDICO or network outages that might slow down or completely stall the meeting.
If you have last minute changes you should bring your slides to the meeting room on a memory stick. Please arrange to give this to one of the scientific secretaries for the session at least 15 minutes prior to the start of your session so they can upload them on the computer in the room before the start of the session.
Oral presentations
All plenary session talks are 25 minutes + 5 minutes for questions. Chairs will keep time.
All parallel session talks are 12 minutes + 3 minutes for questions. Chairs will keep time.
Slides must be prepared for projection in 16:9 format (longer side along the horizontal direction).
Presentations will use the computers provided.
Speakers will be provided with a laser pointer/clicker, in addition to a keyboard + touchpad/mouse.
Expect to use a microphone as we are in a large hall and even the loudest speakers won't be heard at the back without one.
Audio is also enabled for presentations that need it.
Poster presentations
Posters are requested to be in A0 portrait format.
We suggest that your poster should include a small photo of the presenter in order to facilitate discussions outside of the designated poster sessions.
Each poster will be assigned a location in the exhibit hall (Hall F). Locations will be marked with the contribution number, speaker, and poster session.
Posters will be on display for the duration of the conference. Presenters should be prepared to bring their poster on Monday and find their assigned positions.
Poster presenters will be provided with velcro dots to attach their posters to the display boards.
If you have any other questions, or can't access the INDICO account we've associated with your talk, please contact chep2019-secretariat@cern.ch