4–8 Nov 2019
Adelaide Convention Centre
Australia/Adelaide timezone

Dataset Searching Webapp in Belle II

7 Nov 2019, 15:30
Hall F (Adelaide Convention Centre)

Hall F

Adelaide Convention Centre

Poster Track 4 – Data Organisation, Management and Access Posters


Kim Smith (University of Melbourne)


Belle II is a global collaboration with over 700 physicists from 113 institutes. In order to fuel the physics analyses, a distributed grid of computing clusters consisting of tens of thousands of CPU-cores will house the multiple petabytes of data that will come out of the detector in years to come. However, the task of easily finding the particular datasets of interest to physicists with specific needs is challenging, since the quantities of data are so large and the data are distributed in computer centers around the world.
Our solution to this problem is to tag data-files and datasets with metadata that describe their nature and purpose, which can then be searched for via a custom built web-based application hosted by the BelleDIRAC platform. For this to see widespread use, it must be able to take in a set of user specified search criteria and return a list of all matching datasets. It must also be capable of taking in the location of a dataset and return a list of all its associated metadata back to the user. All of this should be done with an intuitive user interface and return results in an acceptably short time frame. The front-end is built with ExtJS while the back end-and table manipulation is handled with Python and MySQL.

Consider for promotion No


Kim Smith (University of Melbourne)


David Dossett (University of Melbourne) Martin Sevior (University of Melbourne (AU))

Presentation materials