4–8 Nov 2019
Adelaide Convention Centre
Australia/Adelaide timezone

BESIII utilization of the Tianhe-2 supercomputer

7 Nov 2019, 15:30
Hall F (Adelaide Convention Centre)

Hall F

Adelaide Convention Centre

Poster Track 9 – Exascale Science Posters


Qiumei Ma (IHEP China)


Supercomputer and other high performance computing resources can be useful supplements to the BESIII computing resources for simulation productions and data analysis. The supercomputer Tianhe-2 has ranked the No.1 on the Top500 certificate list for the sixth consecutive times during the year 2013 to 2015. This paper will describe the deployment singularity containers as well as the integration of local job submission system on the Tianhe-2 supercomputer in BESIII.

Consider for promotion No


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