4–8 Nov 2019
Adelaide Convention Centre
Australia/Adelaide timezone

A Faster, More Accessible RooFit

5 Nov 2019, 15:30
Hall F (Adelaide Convention Centre)

Hall F

Adelaide Convention Centre

Poster Track 6 – Physics Analysis Posters


Stephan Hageboeck (CERN)


RooFit and RooStats, the toolkits for statistical modelling in ROOT, are used in most searches and measurements at the Large Hadron Collider, as well as B factories. The large datasets to be collected in Run 3 will enable measurements with higher precision, but will require faster data processing to keep fitting times stable.
In this talk, a redesign of RooFit’s internal dataflow will be presented. Cache locality and data loading are improved, and batches of data are processed with vectorised SIMD computations. This improves RooFit’s single-thread performance by several orders. In conjunction with multiple workers, this will allow to fit the larger datasets of Run 3 in the same time or faster than today’s fits.
RooFit’s interfaces will further be extended to be more accessible both from C++ and Python to improve interoperability and ease of use.

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