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4–8 Nov 2019
Adelaide Convention Centre
Australia/Adelaide timezone

CERN analysis preservation and reuse framework: FAIR research data services for LHC experiments

7 Nov 2019, 12:15
Hall G (Adelaide Convention Centre)

Hall G

Adelaide Convention Centre

Oral Track 6 – Physics Analysis Track 6 – Physics Analysis


Pamfilos Fokianos (CERN)


In this paper we present the CERN Analysis Preservation service as a FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) research data preservation repository platform for LHC experiments. The CERN Analysis Preservation repository allows LHC collaborations to deposit and share the structured information about analyses as well as to capture the individual data assets associated to the analysis. We describe the typical data ingestion pipelines how an individual physicist can preserve and share their final n-tuples, ROOT macros, Jupyter notebooks or even full analysis workflow code and any intermediate datasets of interest for preservation within the restricted context of experimental collaboration. We discuss the importance of annotating the deposited content with high-level structured information about physics concepts in order to promote information discovery and knowledge sharing inside the collaboration. Finally, we describe techniques taken to facilitate the reusability of preserved data assets by capturing and re-executing reproducible recipes and computational workflows using the REANA Reusable Analysis platform.

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Anna Trzcinska (CERN) Ms Artemis Lavasa (CERN) Diego Rodriguez Rodriguez (CERN) Jan Okraska (University of Warsaw (PL)) Pamfilos Fokianos (CERN) Rokas Maciulaitis (Ministere des affaires etrangeres et europeennes (FR)) Sebastian Stefan Feger (Universitaet Stuttgart (DE)) Stephanie Van De Sandt (Humboldt University of Berlin (DE)) Tibor Simko (CERN)

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