25–31 Aug 2019
The Grand Hotel Daegu
Asia/Seoul timezone

Status and results from the ANTARES and KM3NeT-ARCA neutrino telescopes

27 Aug 2019, 16:24
Dynasty Hall (2F) (The Grand Hotel Daegu)

Dynasty Hall (2F)

The Grand Hotel Daegu

Oral Presentation Working Group 1


Dr Paolo Fermani (Sapienza University of Rome - INFN)


In the Mediterranean Sea there are two neutrino telescopes: ANTARES, currently the largest one, has been operating for more than 10 years. ANTARES provides unprecedented sensitivity for neutrino source searches in the Southern Sky at TeV energies, so that valuable constraints can be set on the origin of the cosmic neutrinos discovered by the IceCube detector. ANTARES has also constrained the neutrino emission from possible Dark Matter annihilation in massive objects like the Sun or the Galactic Centre, and measures the neutrino oscillation parameters in the atmospheric sector.
Building on the ANTARES experience, a new, much larger detector with improved design and technologies is under construction on two sites in the Mediterranean sea: KM3NeT. Deployed off the coast of Sicily, the ARCA detector (Astroparticle Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) will be dedicated to the detection of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos. When completed, the KM3NeT-ARCA detector will exceed one kilometre cube dimensions, with an excellent angular resolution in the reconstruction of signatures of neutrino of all flavors in a very clear deep-sea water environment. Thanks to its position on the Northern hemisphere, KM3NeT-ARCA can observe up-going neutrinos from the majority of the Galactic Plane. Along with studying the neutrino fluxes from different astrophysics sources, it will look for neutrinos from Dark Matter annihilation. The latest results from ANTARES and the perspectives of the KM3NeT-ARCA detector will be presented.

Working Group WG1 : Neutrino Oscillation Physics


Presentation materials