Poster session: Welcome reception and Poster session
- Un Ki Yang (Seoul National University (KR))
DUNE is a frontier experiment of long-baseline neutrino oscillation with a far detector at SURF and a near detector at FNAL. Three-Dimensional Projection Scintillator Tracker – Spectrometer (3DST-S) is a system to be included as a component detector in the near detector complex. It is placed downstream of a liquid-Ar time-projection chamber (TPC), and a high-pressure gas-Ar TPC. The 3DST-S...
The proposed T2HKK experiment involves placing a neutrino detector in Korea in the path of the T2HK beam, to collect data at an additional baseline of 1100 km. This setup will allow the measurement of neutrino oscillation probabilities at two different baselines with the same beam. We define a dual-baseline asymmetry relevant for setups with two components with different baselines. We find...
In the standard model of particle physics, the Weinberg angle is an energy dependent parameter which describes the mixing of the electromagnetic and weak interactions. The modified minimal subtraction scheme predicts the scale dependence of the Weinberg angle precisely.
Measurements of the Weinberg angle at various energy scales are essentially important as a precision test of the standard...
T2K-WAGASCI is an experiment to measure neutrino interactions at the J-PARC neutrino beam line. WAGASCI modules have a three-dimensional grid structure of plastic scintillator bars and water, both of which form the neutrino interaction target. The Proton Module is a fully-active tracking detector consisting of only scintillator strips, therefore plays a role of plastic target. These neutrino...
The Experimental Muon Source (EMuS) project at China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) in Dongguan aims at building a competitive muon source providing both a low-energy surface muon beam and a high energy decay muon beam for muon science. Highly polarized positive surface muons are used in muon spin rotation ($\mu$SR) spectrometers in order to study material properties in condensed matter...
One of the important unknowns in neutrino oscillation physics is the
the leptonic CP phase $\delta_{CP}$. Because of ambiguity between $\delta_{CP}$ and neutrino mass hierarchy, experiments have to be designed in such a way as to measure these parameters independent of each other. Long baseline experiments like DUNE is exclusively designed to measure $\delta_{CP}$ in regions without...
The KM3NeT collaboration is currently building the next generation of large-volume water Cherenkov neutrino telescopes in the Mediterranean Sea abysses. ORCA, the denser of the two detectors under construction, will instrument about 6 Mton of sea water. It is optimised for the detection of atmospheric neutrinos with energies above several GeV. The main research target of the ORCA detector is...
The ProtoDUNE-SP detector is a 1/20 scale prototype, located at the CERN Neutrino Platform, of the planned first module of the DUNE far detector. Utilising single phase liquid argon TPC detection technology, ProtoDUNE-SP has successfully validated full scale prototype components and collected test beam and cosmic ray data to reduce systematic uncertainties in the future far detector. Space...
The OPERA experiment was designed to observe the appearance of tau neutrino in the muon neutrino CNGS beam. This goal was successfully reached by observing a high purity sample of $\nu_\tau$ charged current (CC) interaction candidate events. Additionally, it was possible to isolate samples of $\nu_e$ and $\nu_\mu$ CC candidates, as well as neutral current candidate events. These four samples...
There have been discussions on the neutrino oscillation experiment with two baselines such as T2HKK. We study this dual-baseline system to utilize the oscillation probabilities at two different baselines but with the same beam. We define a dual-baseline asymmetry exploiting the information at two baselines that can be helpful in determining the mass hierarchy and the CP phase in the neutrino...
We study the nuclear abundances produced from neutrino process in supernova (SN) explosion. We consider the neutrino oscillation effects as neutrino scattering not only with matter, $i.e.$ electron background, but also neutrinos themselves in SN environment. The changed neutrino spectrum by $\nu$ oscillation are affected to $\nu$-nucleus reaction rate, so that the abundances during SN...
In November 2018, KISTI-5 supercomputer has launched. It is the heterogeneous machine of 25.3 PF Cray 3112-AA000T with Intel Xeon Phi KNL (Knight Landing) 7250 processor which has 68 cores per processor. The goal of this presentation is to discuss the application and usages of Intel KNL-based system of KISTI-5 supercomputer for neutrinos from accelerators.
First, the world is made of dark...
Neutrino-nucleus interaction is a major source of the systematic uncertainty for neutrino oscillation experiments.
The NINJA experiment aims to measure the neutrino-water interactions precisely with a nuclear emulsion detector called Emulsion Cloud Chamber (ECC).
Nuclear emulsion has sub-micron position resolution and it allows us to detect short tracks of low momentum secondary charged...
Subcritical nuclear reactors, such as Mu*STAR, are driven by a proton accelerator to generate fissions that are primarily initiated by spallation neutrons from an internal target. The fission chain dies quickly over a few tens of ns, such that it is possible to have neutrinos produced in bunches that are separated by intervals that can be varied according to the accelerator proton RF...
The Experimental Muon Source (EMuS) is a proposed facility at China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS). EMuS, which is an additional platform to CSNS, aims to provide muon beams for different applications such as neutrino physics, muSR, etc. The baseline design uses up to 25kW proton beam. The target station of EMuS is consist of a long carbon target in conical shape, a superconducting capture...
We present a search for heavy Majorana neutrinos, using pp collision data collected with the CMS detector at the centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV in 2016. The search targets for heavy neutrino in the Type-I seesaw mechanism where the mass ranges from 20 GeV to 1300 GeV, which is wider range than the study performed using the 8 TeV data. The vector boson fusion production channel is also...
Neutrino-nucleus interactions in the resonance (RES) region is one of the most important interaction modes for the current and future generation long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. It is also sensitive to nuclear effects, including fermi motion, initial state nucleon correlations, and final state interactions etc., which affect event topology and neutrino energy reconstruction, and...
Origin of neutrino masses are realized with a series of flavour symmetry models while the tri-direct CP-symmetry stands out among them. Here we briefly review the peculiar features of tri-direct CP-symmetry models, focusing on neutrino mixing parameters and their predicted correlations. The number of parameters to describe neutrino mixings is reduced to four due to the new symmetry. It is...