Invited Speakers

- Fernando Quevedo, ICTP Director, Trieste, Italy
On the International Center for Theoretical Physics

- Bobby Acharya, ICTP, Trieste, Italy 

- Paolo Lipari, INFN, Roma Univ.
Multi messenger High Energy Astrophysics

- Yazid Delenda, Batna University, Algeria
QCD Phenomenology & Particle Detectors

- Francois Vannucci, Université Paris7- Diderot, France
Latest news on  new Neutrino searches

-  Shaaban Khalil, Zewail City of Science and Technol, CFP, Cairo
Beyond SM Physics and searches for SUSY at the LHC

- Antoine Kouchner, APC, Paris
Detecting Neutrinos under water and under ice

- Andreas Hoecker, ATLAS Collaboration, CERN, Geneva
ATLAS Program & Recent Results

- Yacine Ali-Haimoud, New York University, NYC, USA 
The XXIst Century Cosmology: Puzzles and Challenges

- Lino Miramonti, Milano University & INFN, Italy 
Neutrino Physics with the BOREXINO Detector

- Réda Attallah, Annaba Univ. Algeria
 Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays

- Alessandro Spallicci, Orléans Univ. CNRS, Orléans, France
Non-Maxwellian Electromagnetism in Standard Model Extension

- Jamal Mimouni, Mentouri Univ., Constantine
XXIst Century Perspectives on the Micro & Macro Worlds

- Aouaouche El-Maouhab, CERIST, Algiers
HEP-Grid and Algeria

- Mohamed Traiche, CDTA, Algiers
The CDTA and its detector development program


Le pont aux cordes