Oct 19 – 21, 2019
Mentouri University, Constantine 1
Africa/Algiers timezone

Group Picture and others

Group Picture and others... 

(Selection made from available pictures...
More will be put upon reception of other ones...)
Double click for higher resolution 


Opening of the TIC-HEAP Conference by Prof.H.Aourag (Speaking),  in presence of Prof.Med. Latreche, the Rector of Mentouri University at his right, and Prof. N.Mebarki the LPMPS Director further right.

Prof. Hoecker and Prof. Geber in the third row carefully listening...

General view of the Conference room

The registration spot

Admirable job done by Habiba and Nadjet, as well as Lynda and Aicha  (Not on the picture), and of course Amel the Lab engineer, in handling the participants

A typical coffee break...

... an opportunity for our students to engage in discussions. Here with F.Vannucci..

Lecturers (Most)

Prof. Abdelkrim Aoudia, representing Prof. Quevedo, the ICTP Director

Prof. Francois Vannucci

Prof. Antoine Kouchner, the APC Director

Prof. Andreas Hoecker, Deputy Spokesman ATLAS experiment

Prof. Réda Attallah from Annaba University

Prof. Yacine Ali-Haimoud from New York University

Mme Aouaouche El-Maouhab from the CERIST

Dalila Salamani from Geneva Univ. and CERN

Prof.Shaaban Khalil  lecturing

Paolo Lipari from Roma University

Dr. Mohamed Traiche from CDTA


Sabrina Amrouche and Dalila Salamani directing the Cirta-Challenge


Prof. Lino Miramonti from Milano University

Prof. Shaaban from Zewail City, CFP chatting with students

A typical parallel session. Here with Ali-Haimoud

Trip in Town



Round Table

Walking Next to the CMS Annex...