Jun 24 – 26, 2019
Aveiro, Portugal
Europe/Lisbon timezone
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TMD evolution from SIDIS data

Jun 24, 2019, 11:00 AM
Anfiteatro Da Reitoria (Aveiro, Portugal)

Anfiteatro Da Reitoria

Aveiro, Portugal

Department of Physics - University of Aveiro Campus Universitário de Santiago 3810-193 Aveiro


J. Osvaldo Gonzalez H. (University of Turin)


TMD evolution from SIDIS data (25' + 5')

Obtaining information on transverse momentum dependent functions (TMDs) from data has tested our understanding of the underlying theory of strong interactions. At small to moderate values of the hard scale, it is of particular importance to make at least rough estimates of the applicability of factorization theorems. In this talk, I will discuss about how one may try to address this issue in SIDIS. I wil focus on the unpolarized case, providing concrete examples of the challenges currently faced in the extraction of TMDs.

Presentation materials