IWHSS2019, Aveiro, Portugal
Anfiteatro Da Reitoria (Aveiro, Portugal)
Anfiteatro Da Reitoria
Aveiro, Portugal
Department of Physics - University of Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro
Dear Colleagues:
It is a pleasure to invite you to the 16th International Workshop on Hadron Structure and Spectroscopy, that will be held, from the 24th to the 26th of June 2019, in Aveiro, Portugal.
The Workshop will be followed by the COMPASS Collaboration Meeting (27 and 28 June 2019).
The scientific programme of the workshop will cover the topics:
- Transverse and longitudinal spin structure of the nucleon
- PDFs and FFs
- TMD's and GPD's
- Proton radius
- Meson structure
- Hadron spectroscopy
- Search for Exotics
- Measurements with interest to Astrophysics
- Related novel detector technologies
We are looking forward to seeing you in Aveiro.
Anatolii Koval
Andrea Bressan
Andrea Moretti
Andrei Gridin
Andrew Jackura
Andrzej Sandacz
Anna Martin
Annika Vauth
Antoine Vidon
Antonín Květoň
Aram Kotzinian
Artem Ivanov
Bakur Parsamyan
Barbara Badelek
Benjamin Moritz Veit
Bohdan Marianski
Brian Ventura
Carlos Azevedo
Catarina Quintans
Celso Franco
Chandradoy Chatterjee
Charles-joseph Naïm
Christian Dreisbach
Christophe Pires
Craig Roberts
Damien Neyret
Daniele Panzieri
Daria Sokhan
Eduardo Santana
Elke-Caroline Aschenauer
Emanuele Nocera
Eugene Chudakov
Eva-Maria Kabuss
Evgenii Mitrofanov
Fiorenza Donato
Franco Bradamante
Friedrich Klein
Fulvio Tessarotto
Gerhard Mallot
Gunar Schnell
Igor Denisenko
Igor Konorov
J Osvaldo Hernandez
Jan Friedrich
Jan Matousek
Jechiel Lichtenstadt
Johannes Giarra
João Veloso
Karolina Juraskova
Kresimir Kumericki
Marcin Stolarski
Marco Meyer
Marina Marinkovic
Martin Faessler
Mathias Wagner
Maxim Alexeev
Michael Finger
Michela Chiosso
Miroslav Finger
Nicole D'Hose
Norihiro Doshita
Oleg Denisov
Paweł Sznajder
Pedro Bicudo
Pedro Correia
Po-Ju Lin
Steffen Strauch
Stephan Paul
Valerio Bertone
Valery Lyubovitsky
Vincent Andrieux
Vladimir ANOSOV
Werner Meyer
Witold Augustyniak
Wolf-Dieter Nowak
Wolfgang Duennweber
Yann Bedfer