1 June 2019 to 30 September 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone
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Implementation of algorithms for reconstruction and identification of baryons, including strange baryons, in MPD experiment

Not scheduled
347 (k. 215)


k. 215

Physics data analysis for the MPD and BM@N experiments, including Monte-Carlo models Slow Control System 2019 TeFeNICA and Slow Control final presentations


Jakub Zielinski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))


In experiments like MPD, that study behaviour of particles, it is important to correctly identify registered particles. One problem is the identification of particles that generate signal in detector. Second is the reconstruction of baryons, that have life span too short to reach detectors.

The presentation will start with brief explanation of particle physics that was used in studies. The process of identification and the idea behind reconstructing strange baryons from the data available will be explained. Main findings of the study will be presented. In conclusion will be presented possible improvements in both processes.


Jakub Zielinski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))

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