June 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Registration is now open!

Contribution List

94 / 94
Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
7/1/19, 9:40 AM
Team for the Future of NICA
Big project management

Organizational matters, what we do in Dubna in JINR.

Mr Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
7/1/19, 11:20 AM
Team for the Future of NICA
Non-electrical and electrical parameters measurement (temperature, pressure, current etc.)

Android application for monitoring data from the Slow Control System for the TOF-MPD detector

Mr Krystian Roslon (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
7/1/19, 11:30 AM
Team for the Future of NICA
Physics data analysis for the MPD and BM@N experiments, including Monte-Carlo models

Modeling of K+K- fermtoscopic correlations in p+Pb collision using the Therminator2 model

Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
7/1/19, 1:00 PM
Team for the Future of NICA
Software programming (Java, 3D modelling, LabView, SCADA WinCC etc.)

Model of the MPD Multi-Detector prepared with a 3D printing method

Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
7/1/19, 1:10 PM
Team for the Future of NICA
Software programming (Java, 3D modelling, LabView, SCADA WinCC etc.)

Development of the PLC controller software for the Mixer module of the MPD/TOF Gas System

Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
7/1/19, 1:30 PM
Team for the Future of NICA
Software programming (Java, 3D modelling, LabView, SCADA WinCC etc.)

Simulation of the MPD/TOF Gas System operation in the Fluidsim environment

Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
7/1/19, 1:40 PM
Team for the Future of NICA
Software programming (Java, 3D modelling, LabView, SCADA WinCC etc.)

Mobile application for the MPD/TOF Gas System monitoring

Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
7/1/19, 1:50 PM
Team for the Future of NICA
Software programming (Java, 3D modelling, LabView, SCADA WinCC etc.)

Development of the SCADA software for MPD/TOF Gas System in the Simens WinCC

Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
7/1/19, 2:00 PM
Team for the Future of NICA
Hardware assembling

Gas Supply project for the MPD/TOF Gas System

Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
7/1/19, 2:10 PM
Team for the Future of NICA
Software programming (Java, 3D modelling, LabView, SCADA WinCC etc.)

Development of the PLC controller software for the Recirculation module of the MPD/TOF Gas System

Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
7/1/19, 2:20 PM
Team for the Future of NICA
Non-electrical and electrical parameters measurement (temperature, pressure, current etc.)

Studies of the MPD/TOF detector efficiency and time resolution for varying gas mixture components concentration.

Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
7/1/19, 2:40 PM
Team for the Future of NICA
Software programming (Java, 3D modelling, LabView, SCADA WinCC etc.)

Emergency situations testing and error handling of the MPD/TOF Gas System control software

Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
7/2/19, 10:00 AM
Team for the Future of NICA
Hardware assembling

R & D (research and development) and implementation of temperature monitoring system for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
7/2/19, 10:10 AM
Team for the Future of NICA
Big project management

R & D (research and development) and implementation of the ACS prototype for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
7/2/19, 10:20 AM
Team for the Future of NICA
Big project management

R & D (research and development) implementation of a cable connection monitoring system for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

Maciej Czarnynoga (Politechnika Warszawska)
7/2/19, 11:30 AM
Team for the Future of NICA
High-performance computing: installation, maintenance, operation

heat flow simulations for the Pxi module and the CAEN module

Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
7/2/19, 2:10 PM
Team for the Future of NICA
Hardware assembling

R & D (research and development) and implementation of the cable tester prototype for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

Mr Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology)
7/2/19, 2:30 PM
Team for the Future of NICA
Hardware assembling

R & D (research and development) stabilization of environmental conditions for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM.

Sergey Aleksandrovich Movchan
7/3/19, 9:30 AM
Team for the Future of NICA
Hardware assembling

TPC detector construction

Sergey Aleksandrovich Movchan
7/3/19, 9:40 AM
Team for the Future of NICA
Hardware assembling

TPC read-out chambers development

Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
7/4/19, 9:40 AM
Team for the Future of NICA
Physics data analysis for the MPD and BM@N experiments, including Monte-Carlo models

Analysis of tracking and PID efficiency in large Monte-Carlo simulations with MPDRoot

Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
7/4/19, 10:00 AM
Team for the Future of NICA
Physics data analysis for the MPD and BM@N experiments, including Monte-Carlo models

Monte-Carlo simulations of the baryon correlations with the MPD detector

Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
7/4/19, 10:10 AM
Team for the Future of NICA
Physics data analysis for the MPD and BM@N experiments, including Monte-Carlo models

Generation of the large sample of Monte-Carlo events with the vHELLE model, using the MPDRoot software and the GEANT simulation package.

Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
7/4/19, 10:20 AM
Team for the Future of NICA
Physics data analysis for the MPD and BM@N experiments, including Monte-Carlo models

Generation of large datasamples using the UrQMD generator for selected collision energies, with the MPDRoot software

Yuriy Andreevich Murin
7/4/19, 11:00 AM
Team for the Future of NICA
Hardware assembling

Inner tracker development

Yuriy Konstantinovich Potryebennikov
7/4/19, 11:40 AM
Team for the Future of NICA
Software programming (Java, 3D modelling, LabView, SCADA WinCC etc.)

Software development for MPD

Yuriy Konstantinovich Potrebyennikov
7/4/19, 11:50 AM
Team for the Future of NICA
Software programming (Java, 3D modelling, LabView, SCADA WinCC etc.)

Setup of the NICA computing cluster

Oleg Vasilievich Rogachevsky`
7/4/19, 1:30 PM
Team for the Future of NICA
Big project management

Group collaboration tools for the software of MPD

Mrs Michalina Milewicz-Zalewska
Team for the Future of NICA
Hardware assembling

Fiber Optics preparation, measurement and splicing.