Oct 21 – 25, 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Call for papers is open! Please submit your paper!

We are proud to inform you that our conference received Honorary Patronage from both Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Warsaw University of Technology.

The Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) is the new flagship project of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research."

Mega-project NICA is being developed at JINR in Dubna. The project is in advanced stages of realization. Considering that, it is a perfect moment to present its actual state and to find new people from scientific and engineering environment, companies and students for further development and cooperation.

This conference will bring together experts, scientists, engineers and students interested in heavy ion physics and in various aspects of design and construction of  measuring equipment for NICA experiments. Please note, that organizers DO NOT provide accommodation!


  • Heavy-Ion Collisions and QCD Phase Diagram at NICA energies
  • World experiments and theoretical models related to NICA
  • Scientific program of JINR and Laboratory of High Energy Physics
  • NICA acceleration and experimental complex
  • Physics program of NICA experiments
  • New technologies, methods and devices developed for NICA
  • Basic equipment for NICA detectors
  • Slow Control System, Managing SCS and Databases.
  • Technologies for large physics experiments
  • Automation of measurement processes
  • Other activities at JINR
  • Opportunities for juniors

These topics will be covered with review reports, invited and contributed talks and the progress reports. We encourage you to participate and to submit the abstract of your talk or poster.

NICA-days 2019 is associated with the IVth MPD Collaboration Meeting, a regular meeting of the MPD International Collaboration, which will be held at the same place and time.
NICA-days are associated with V Slow Control Warsaw 2019, which will be held in the last days of the meeting. Common sessions are envisaged as well, expecting interests of participants in the topics of both conferences.

The organizers plan to publish the lectures delivered at the conference in Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement. Here you will find materials from the NICA 2015 (Vol. 9 No. 2) and 2017 (Vol. 11 No. 4) conference.



The banner picture on top of this page is adapted from original NICA logo.
The background picture in the poster is adapted from Wiki
These files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa

Organizers DO NOT provide accommodation!