Welcome to NICA days 2019 and IVth MPD Collaboration Meeting in Warsaw

from Monday, October 21, 2019 (7:55 AM) to Friday, October 25, 2019 (11:59 PM)
CZiITT (Conference room...)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
Oct 21, 2019
Oct 22, 2019
Oct 23, 2019
Oct 24, 2019
Oct 25, 2019
8:00 AM --- Registration of the Participants ---
9:00 AM
NICA Days 2019 General Session (until 1:00 PM) (Conference room...)
9:00 AM Opening of the conference and welcome by the Vice-Rector of WUT - Prof. Rajmund Bacewicz   (Conference room...)
9:10 AM Welcome from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education - Dr Grażyna Żebrowska   (Conference room...)
9:30 AM Poland in JINR - Michael Waligórski   (Conference room...)
9:40 AM NICA project at JINR - Prof. Vladimir Kekelidze   (Conference room...)
10:00 AM MPD Experiment and WUT - Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   (Conference room...)
10:20 AM Status of the MPD - Viacheslav Golovatyuk (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Conference room...)
10:45 AM --- Coffe break ---
11:10 AM Concept of the Spin Physics Detector - Dr Vladimir Ladygin (VBLHEP JINR)   (Conference room...)
11:35 AM Physics program of the SPD experiment at NICA. - Dr Alexey Guskov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Conference room...)
12:00 PM Is orbital angular momentum efficiently transferred to spin degreeds of freedom at NICA energies? - Prof. Alejandro Ayala (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)   (Conference room...)
12:25 PM Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding for WUT in the MPD Experiment - WUT, JINR, MPD representatives   ()
8:00 AM --- Registration of the Participants ---
8:45 AM CAEN S.p.a. - Jacopo Givoletti   (Conference room...)
9:00 AM
MPD Collaboration Meeting for general audience (until 12:30 PM) (Conference room...)
9:00 AM FAIR-NICA Cooperation - Paolo Giubellino (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   (Conference room...)
9:30 AM Short-lived resonances and neutral mesons in the physical program of the NICA-MPD - Viktor Riabov (NRC Kurchatov Institute PNPI (RU))   (Conference room...)
9:55 AM Current status of the Time-of-Flight system of the MPD - Mr Vadim Babkin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Conference room...)
10:20 AM Mini Beam-Beam monitoring: a wake-up trigger detector for the TOF of MPD - Dr Lucio F. Rebolledo-Herrera (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico / Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla)   (Conference room...)
10:45 AM --- Coffee break ---
11:15 AM Development of the Fast Interaction Trigger for MPD experiment - Mr Victor Rogov (JINR)   (Conference room...)
11:40 AM Correlation femtoscopy at NICA energies - Pavel Batyuk (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Conference room...)
12:05 PM Feasibility studies of femtoscopic measurements in MPD - Daniel Henryk Wielanek (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   (Conference room...)
8:00 AM --- Registration of the Participants ---
9:00 AM
MPD Collaboration Meeting (until 1:00 PM) (Conference room...)
9:00 AM A “vector finder” approach to track reconstruction in the Inner Tracking System of MPD/NICA. - Dmitry Zinchenko (JINR)   (Conference room...)
9:25 AM Performance studies of anisotropic flow with MPD at NICA - Arkadiy Taranenko (NRNU MEPhI)   (Conference room...)
9:50 AM Study of energy distributions in FHCal - Dr Alexander Ivashkin (INR RAS)   (Conference room...)
10:15 AM Centrality Determination in Heavy-ion Collisions with MPD (NICA) - Mr Petr Parfenov (NRNU MEPhI (RU) INR RAS (RU))   (Conference room...)
10:40 AM MPD electromagnetic calorimeter simulation - Mr Maxim Martemianov (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - ITEP (RU))   (Conference room...)
11:05 AM --- Coffee break ---
11:30 AM Quark Matter presentation rehearsal - Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   (Conference room...)
12:05 PM Extraction of multiple parton interactions from forward-backward multiplicity correlations - Eleazar Cuautle Flores (Universidad Nacional Autonoma (MX))   (Conference room...)
12:30 PM Beauty = Truth. On the role of aestheics in physics - Dr Tomasz Miller (Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Jagiellonian University)   (Conference room...)
8:00 AM --- Registration of the Participants ---
9:00 AM
International Collaborators (until 9:20 AM) (Conference room...)
9:00 AM FAIR's SIS100 Quadrupole Dublet Modules - production and supply line overview - Kamil Kozlowski (GSI)   (Conference room...)
9:20 AM
Industrial Session (until 10:30 AM) (Conference room...)
9:20 AM Present and Future CAEN instrumentation 2019 - Jacopo Givoletti   (Conference room...)
9:40 AM Rittal company presentation - Łukasz Segieda   (Conference room...)
9:45 AM Development of the Intelligent Power Distribution System - Rami Faraj   (Conference room...)
10:10 AM CiS Silicon detectors Development, Prototyping, Production, Test, Assembly - Ralf Röder   (Conference room...)
10:30 AM --- Coffee break ---
11:05 AM
NICA Technical Session (until 12:10 PM) (Conference room...)
11:05 AM Naming and Numbering Convention for the Equipment Database of the NICA project. - Michalina Milewicz-Zalewska (Joint Institute for Nuclear Reactions)   (Conference room...)
8:30 AM
TeFeNICA Session (until 11:50 AM) ()
8:30 AM Development and optimization of mpdroot software - Wojciech Żurkowski Daniel Osinski   ()
8:40 AM Management of the Monte Carlo simulation process in the MPD experiment on the NICA cluster - Łukasz Sawicki   ()
8:50 AM Managing large scale computing for MPD experiment - Krzysztof Dygnarowicz (Warsaw University of Technology)   ()
9:00 AM Implementation of THERMINATOR generator to the MpdRoot environment. - Filip Jakubczak Mr Maksymilian Odziemczyk   ()
9:10 AM Integration of the Therminator model with the MpdRoot environment - Robert Mikoś   ()
9:20 AM Application of PROOF system to optimization processes of physical analysis for the MPD experiment - Kacper Skelnik   ()
9:30 AM Modelling Au-Au collisions in NICA collider energy spectrum using MPD programming environment - Maja Tureczek-Zakrzewska Marta Monikowska   ()
9:40 AM Implementation of algorithms for reconstruction and identification of baryons, including strange baryons, in MPD experiment - Jakub Zielinski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   ()
9:50 AM Particle identification based on combined information from ToF and TPC - Mr Tomasz Zawiślak (Warsaw University of Technology)   ()
10:00 AM Quality Assurance of particle collision simulation in MPDRoot - Aleksandra Mazur   ()
10:10 AM Development and optimization of detector visualization and MPD data - Arkadiusz Czarnecki (Warsaw University of Technology)   ()
10:20 AM Development of visualisation for MPD experiment - Mateusz Kowal   ()
10:30 AM --- Coffee break ---
10:50 AM Naming and numbering application development for Equipment Database - Adam Biegański Jakub Mrówczyński   ()
11:00 AM Cable tester design for NICA-MPD Platform - Grzegorz Nakielny (Warsaw University of Technology)   ()
11:10 AM Design and Implementation of a control and measurement system for testing the quality of Fiber Optic Tracks for the Slow Control System of the BM@N and MPD-NICA experiment - Dawid Kraśko   ()
11:20 AM Upgrade of the MPD/TOF Test Stand Gas System and Control Software - Mr Filip Mąkolski   ()
11:30 AM Time synchronization of electronic devices in RACKs NICA-MPD-PLATFORM using GPS NI-9467-c-RIO - Kamil Chęć Monika Wasilewska Piotr Sawicki   ()
11:40 AM Fire extinguishing unit software development for the Slow Control system of the MPD-ToF detector - Nikita Dunin (JINR)   ()
11:50 AM --- Lunch break ---
1:00 PM --- Lunch break ---
2:25 PM
NICA Days 2019 General Session (until 5:00 PM) (Conference room...)
2:30 PM Finding resonances, unitarity, peculiarities and traps - Dr Robert Kamiński (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS)   (Conference room...)
2:55 PM String fusion effects at NICA energies - Dr Vladimir Kovalenko (St Petersburg State University (RU))   (Conference room...)
3:20 PM QCD phase diagram at NICA - K+/pi+ horn effect and light clusters in THESEUS Topic: Heavy-Ion Collisions and QCD Phase Diagram at NICA - David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw)   (Conference room...)
3:45 PM --- Coffee break ---
4:00 PM Pixel detectors for the Inner Tracking System of NICA MPD - Dr Vladimir Zherebchevsky (Saint-Petersburg State University)   (Conference room...)
4:20 PM MONITORING AND CONTROL SYSTEM OF BM@N EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT AND PROSPECTS FOR MPD - Vitaly Shutov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Conference room...)
4:40 PM Study of 6He - d reactions at the ACCULINNA-2 separator - B.Z. Zalewski (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Conference room...)
5:00 PM
MPD Institutional Board (until 7:00 PM) (Conference room...)
5:00 PM Common Fund and Publication Policy Discussion - Prof. Itzhak Tserruya (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))   (Conference room...)
7:00 PM --- Welcome Drink ---
12:30 PM --- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
MPD/NA61 Joint Session (until 6:00 PM) (Conference room...)
2:00 PM Particle production properties at SPS energy range - recent results from NA61/SHINE experiment. - Szymon Mateusz Pulawski (University of Silesia (PL))   (Conference room...)
2:25 PM Fluctuations and correlations study at NA61/SHINE - Daria Prokhorova (St Petersburg State University (RU))   (Conference room...)
2:50 PM Open charm measurements plans in NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS - Pawel Piotr Staszel (Jagiellonian University (PL))   (Conference room...)
3:10 PM NA61/SHINE detector upgrade - Dariusz Tefelski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   (Conference room...)
3:35 PM ALICE technologies proposed for the VD of NA61/SHINE in connection to the future MPD Si tracker - Grigori Feofilov (St Petersburg State University (RU))   (Conference room...)
3:55 PM --- Coffee break ---
4:20 PM Upgrade of the NA61/SHINE ToF system based on a MRPCs for the NICA experiments - Mr Aleksandr Dmitriev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Conference room...)
4:45 PM Synergy in the development of forward hadron calorimeters for NA61, BM@N, MPD and CBM experiments - Fedor Guber (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))   (Conference room...)
5:05 PM Non-standard GEM foils for gaseous detectors - Magdalena Kuich (University of Warsaw (PL))   (Conference room...)
5:25 PM Convolutional neural network for centrality determination in fixed target experiments - Denis Uzhva (St Petersburg State University (RU))   (Conference room...)
6:00 PM --- Gala Dinner ---
1:00 PM --- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
MPD Collaboration Meeting (until 6:20 PM) (Conference room...)
2:00 PM MPD Yoke production status - Dr Nikolai Topilin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Conference room...)
2:20 PM Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the MPD at NICA - Igor Tyapkin (JINR)   (Conference room...)
2:40 PM Main parameters of MPD Electromagnetic Calorimeter in Latest Geometry Version. - Dr Viacheslav Kulikov (NRC “Kurchatov Institute” − ITEP, Moscow 117218, Russia)   (Conference room...)
3:00 PM Full MPD Ecal. Data Base - Mrs Larisa Stolypina (JINR)   (Conference room...)
3:20 PM Status of FHCal - Dr Alexander Ivashkin (INR RAS)   (Conference room...)
3:40 PM --- Coffee break ---
4:00 PM A MAPS based Inner Tracking System of the Multi-Purpose Detector at the NICA collider - Dr Yuri Murin (JINR)   (Conference room...)
4:20 PM Status of the proposal for a beam-beam monitoring system for the MPD - Prof. Maria Elena Tejeda-Yeomans (Universidad de Colima)   (Conference room...)
4:40 PM The demonstrator of Cosmic Ray Detector (MCORD) for the MPD detector. - Dr Marcin Bielewicz (Nacional Centre for Nuclear Research)   (Conference room...)
5:00 PM visualization of online and archived equipment values of BM@N and MPD experiments - Petr Chumakov (JINR)   (Conference room...)
5:20 PM Event simulation and reconstruction in the BM@N experiment - Sergei Merts   (Conference room...)
5:40 PM Software developments for detectors experimental hardware - Dmitry Egorov (JINR)   (Conference room...)
12:10 PM --- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
NICA Technical Session (until 6:00 PM) (Conference room...)
2:00 PM HIC simulations with different EoS models - Dr Hovik Grigorian   (Conference room...)
2:40 PM The dosimetry protection of the MPD Electronic Equipment at the new NICA Collider – the prototype system - Arkadiusz Chłopik (National Centre for Nuclear Research)   (Conference room...)
3:00 PM Beam-Beam Collisions Monitor for NICA - Dr Grigori Feofilov (St Petersburg State University (RU))   (Conference room...)
3:20 PM MPD TPC Status - Sergei Movchan (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Conference room...)
3:50 PM TPC electronics cooling design status - Vladimir Chepurnov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR))   (Conference room...)
4:00 PM --- Coffee break ---
4:25 PM STATUS OF THE FRONT-END ELECTRONICS FOR THE TIME-OF-FLIGHT MEASUREMENTS IN THE MPD EXPERIMENT - Mikhail Buryakov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))   (Conference room...)
4:45 PM Surface characterization techniques for studying heavy ion irradiation effects in materials - Andrzej Olejniczak (JINR)   (Conference room...)
5:25 PM Average high energy neutron flux distribution in the Quinta sub-critical assembly irradiated with proton beam of 0.66 GeV energy applying the actinide spectral index method - Marcin Szuta (National Centre for Nuclear Research)   (Conference room...)
5:45 PM Probing the QCD critical end point through multi-messenger observations of compact stars and heavy ion collisions. - David Edwin Alvarez Castillo   (Conference room...)
12:35 PM
TeFeNICA Session (until 5:05 PM) ()
12:35 PM XYZ Scanner for magnetic field studies - Witold Olech   ()
12:45 PM Conception and development of the system for the magnetic field strength measurement in the NICA-MPD PLATFORM surroundings created using NI myRIO technology - Jakub Głuch Paulina Marikin (Faculty of Physics of Warsaw University of Technology)   ()
12:55 PM Embedded data processing using NI MyRIO and LabVIEW for magnetic field measurements - Hanna Gałach   ()
1:05 PM R&D of the r, φ scanner mechanical construction for the scintillator detector background radiation measurements - Monika Nadolna Martyna Winnik   ()
1:15 PM α, β, γ radiation monitoring in the working area of the MPD Slow Control electronic equipment. - Ms Marta Robak (Warsaw Univeristy of Technology, Faculty of Physics) Ms Anita Zagrobelna (Warsaw Univeristy of Technology, Faculty of Physics) Ms Alicja Jakubowska (Warsaw Univeristy of Technology, Faculty of Physics)   ()
1:25 PM Design and heat transfer simulations for the MPD-TOF detector cooling system - Agata Ptak (WUT)   ()
1:35 PM Data Aquisition from spectrometry and dosimetry systems using LabView environment - Ms Paulina Zawadzka (Warsaw University of Technology) Ms Ewelina Kołpa (Warsaw University of Technology) Ms Urszula Dąbrowska (Warsaw University of Technology)   ()
1:45 PM Analyzing the thermal images taken by Fluke TiS20 thermal imager - Filip Protoklitow   ()
1:55 PM Heat transfer simulation of the BM@N -STS detector - Maciej Czarnynoga (Politechnika Warszawska)   ()
2:05 PM Heat transfer simulations for three TOF-MPD detector modules - Mr Kacper Nowacki (Warsaw University of Technology)   ()
2:15 PM Optimalization of the gas distribution system for the MPD-TOF detector module - Mr Andrzej Ryczek   ()
2:25 PM The prototype of an air based cooling system for the Slow Control System of the MPD-TOF detector - Anna Szumigała Michał Maciałowicz   ()
2:35 PM Heat transfer simulation of the MPD-TPC detector - Maciej Czerkawski   ()
2:45 PM Heat simulations for the pxi module and rack 42u - Michał Gałązka (Warsaw University of Technology)   ()
2:55 PM Analysis of background radiation with a scintillation counter - Kamila Kempny Anna Kierznowska Paweł Dębowski   ()
3:05 PM Design of cooling system for equipment installed in RACK's 42U 19" - Bartlomiej Juruc   ()
3:15 PM Setup of the heat transfer inside the TOF-MPD detector - Krystian Idźkowski Jakub Zdziebłowski   ()
3:25 PM Integration of temperature monitoring software inside the Master and Slave 19 ” RACK cabinets for the Slow Control System of the MPD-TOF detector - Monika Kutyła (Warsaw University of Technology)   ()
3:35 PM Software for device designed to measure radiation absorption of various materials - Mr Maciej Marcinkiewicz (WUT) Mr Michał Foltys (WUT)   ()
3:45 PM Monitoring and stabilistation of the test laboratory enviornment Time od Flight for NICA - MPD - PLATFORM - Jędrzej Kołaś Klaudia Pachulska (Warsaw University of Technology)   ()