Welcome to NICA days 2019 and IVth MPD Collaboration Meeting in Warsaw
Conference room...
We are proud to inform you that our conference received Honorary Patronage from both Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education and Warsaw University of Technology.
The Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) is the new flagship project of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research."
Mega-project NICA is being developed at JINR in Dubna. The project is in advanced stages of realization. Considering that, it is a perfect moment to present its actual state and to find new people from scientific and engineering environment, companies and students for further development and cooperation.
This conference will bring together experts, scientists, engineers and students interested in heavy ion physics and in various aspects of design and construction of measuring equipment for NICA experiments. Please note, that organizers DO NOT provide accommodation!
- Heavy-Ion Collisions and QCD Phase Diagram at NICA energies
- World experiments and theoretical models related to NICA
- Scientific program of JINR and Laboratory of High Energy Physics
- NICA acceleration and experimental complex
- Physics program of NICA experiments
- New technologies, methods and devices developed for NICA
- Basic equipment for NICA detectors
- Slow Control System, Managing SCS and Databases.
- Technologies for large physics experiments
- Automation of measurement processes
- Other activities at JINR
- Opportunities for juniors
These topics will be covered with review reports, invited and contributed talks and the progress reports. We encourage you to participate and to submit the abstract of your talk or poster.
NICA-days 2019 is associated with the IVth MPD Collaboration Meeting, a regular meeting of the MPD International Collaboration, which will be held at the same place and time.
NICA-days are associated with V Slow Control Warsaw 2019, which will be held in the last days of the meeting. Common sessions are envisaged as well, expecting interests of participants in the topics of both conferences.
The organizers plan to publish the lectures delivered at the conference in Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement. Here you will find materials from the NICA 2015 (Vol. 9 No. 2) and 2017 (Vol. 11 No. 4) conference.
Disclaimer: The banner picture on top of this page is adapted from original NICA logo. The background picture in the poster is adapted from Wiki These files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
Adam Biegański
Adam Dudziński
Adam Kisiel
Agata Ptak
Agnieszka Bereza
Agnieszka Syntfeld-Kazuch
Alejandro Ayala
Aleksandr Bancer
Aleksandr Dmitriev
Aleksandra Mazur
Aleksandra Świercz
Alexander Ayriyan
Alexander Ivashkin
Alexander Sorin
Alexander Strizhak
Alexandre Zinchenko
Alexey Guskov
Alicja Jakubowska
Andrey Seryakov
Andrzej Olejniczak
Andrzej Ryczek
Andrzej Zagólski
Anita Zagrobelna
Anna Kierznowska
Anna Szumigała
Arkadiusz Chlopik
Arkadiusz Czarnecki
Arkadiy Taranenko
Bartłomiej Juruć
Bogumił Zalewski
Boris Sharkov
Boyana Dabrowska
Damian Pszczel
Daniel Dabrowski
Daniel Henryk Wielanek
Daniel Osinski
Daria Prokhorova
Dariusz Tefelski
David Blaschke
David Edwin Alvarez Castillo
Dawid Kraśko
Denis Uzhva
Dimitrije Maletic
Dmitri Peshekhonov
Dmitry Egorov
Dmitry Zinchenko
Dominika Wójcik
Ekaterina Efimova
Eleazar Cuautle Flores
Elżbieta Jaworska
Elżbieta Strugalska-Gola
Ewelina Kołpa
Fedor Guber
Filip Jakubczak
Filip Mąkolski
Filip Protoklitow
František Klika
Fuqiang Wang
Georgy Kornakov
Grażyna Żebrowska
Grigori Feofilov
Grzegorz Kaminski
Grzegorz Nakielny
Grzegorz Stefanek
Hanna Gałach
Hovik Grigorian
Igor Altsybeev
Igor Tyapkin
Itzhak Tserruya
Ivonne Maldonado
Izabela Skwira-Chalot
Jacek Gajewski
Jacek Palczewski
Jacopo Givoletti
Jakub Głuch
Jakub Mrówczyński
Jakub Tomkiewicz
Jakub Zdziebłowski
Jakub Zielinski
Jan Hofmokl
Jan Marian Pluta
Jan Sobolewski
Janusz Oleniacz
Jarosław Siemianowski
Joanna Olas
Jędrzej Kołaś
Kacper Nowacki
Kacper Skelnik
Kacper Szweda
Kamil Chęć
Kamil Kozłowski
Kamila Kempny
Karol Bolek
Katherin Shtejer Diaz
Klaudia Pachulska
Krystian Roslon
Krzysztof Dygnarowicz
Krzysztof Piasecki
Larisa Stolypina
Lucio Rebolledo
Lukasz Kamil Graczykowski
Lukasz Siegieda
Lukasz Swiderski
Maciej Czarnynoga
Maciej Czerkawski
Maciej Linczuk
Maciej Marcinkiewicz
Maciej Rybczynski
Maciej Sarnek
Maciej Ławryńczuk
Magdalena Kuich
Magdalena Polak-Żołądkiewicz
Maja Mackowiak-Pawlowska
Maja Tureczek-Zakrzewska
Maksim Martemianov
Maksymilian Odziemczyk
Malgorzata Anna Janik
Marcin Bielewicz
Marcin Mazurkiewicz
Marcin Pietrzak
Marcin Szuta
Marek Gazdzicki
Marek Peryt
Maria Elena Tejeda-Yeomans
Marina Golubeva
Marta Monikowska
Marta Robak
Marta Łazarewicz
Martyna Grodzicka-Kobyłka
Martyna Winnik
Mateusz Kowal
Mateusz Samsel
Michael Waligórski
Michal Foltys
Michalina Milewicz-Zalewska
Michał Gałązka
Michał Gontarz
Michał Grodzki
Michał Maciałowicz
Mieczysław Budzyński
Mikhail Buryakov
Monika Kutyła
Monika Nadolna
Monika Wasilewska
Natalia Grzegrzółka
Natalia Molokanova
Nelli Pukhaeva
Nikita Dunin
Nikolay Geraksiev
Nikolay Topilin
Oleg Rogachevskiy
Oleg Toritsyn
Olga Belova
Oskar Sobiecki
Paulina Marikin
Paulina Zawadzka
Pavel Batyuk
Pawel Horodek
Pawel Kankiewicz
Paweł Duda
Paweł Dębowski
Petr Chumakov
Petr Parfenov
Piotr Olichwierowicz
Piotr Sawicki
Ralf Roeder
Rami Faraj
Richard Lednicky
Robert Kamiński
Robert Mikoś
Sergei Merts
Sergey Movchan
Sergey Sergeev
Seweryn Kowalski
Slawomir Mianowski
Szymon Puławski
Tagir Aushev
Tomasz Gniazdowski
Tomasz Kowalski
Tomasz Lehmann
Tomasz Miller
Tomasz Starecki
Tomasz Szczesniak
Tomasz Traczyk
Tomasz Zawislak
Tomek Matulewicz
Tomáš Rössler
Urszula Dąbrowska
Vadim Babkin
Vadim Kolesnikov
Valeri Kikvadze
Viacheslav Golovatyuk
Viacheslav Kulikov
Victor Anatolievich Matveev
Viktar Kireyeu
Viktor Riabov
Vitaly Shutov
Vladimir Kovalenko
Vladimir Ladygin
Vladimir Yurevich
Vladimir Zherebchevskii
Waldemar Kozłowski
Witold Olech
Wojciech Dominik
Wojciech Rachwalski
Wojciech Zabołotny
Wojciech Żurkowski
Władysław Chmielowski
Yuri Murin
Zbigniew Wlodarczyk
Zebo Tang
Łukasz Sawicki
Vladimir Kekelidze
Wojciech Lis
8:00 AM
Registration of the Participants Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa -
NICA Days 2019 General Session: NICA Days 2019 General Session I Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 WarszawaNICA Days 2019 Plenary Session
Opening of the conference and welcome by the Vice-Rector of WUT Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 WarszawaSpeaker: Prof. Rajmund Bacewicz -
Welcome from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 WarszawaSpeaker: Dr Grażyna Żebrowska -
Poland in JINR Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 WarszawaSpeaker: Michael Waligórski -
NICA project at JINR Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 WarszawaSpeaker: Prof. Vladimir Kekelidze -
MPD Experiment and WUT Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 WarszawaSpeaker: Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) -
Status of the MPD Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 WarszawaThe status of construction of the main subsystems of MPD will be described.
The start configuration of the MPD includes superconductive coil which provides homogenous magnetic field up to 0,57T, the main tracker - Time Projection Chamber (TPC) time of Flight system, Fast Forward Detector for zero level trigger and start signal of the TOF and Forward Hadron Calorimeter (FHCal). To decrease the background from the secondaries a beryllium beam pipe will be used. Development of the integration procedure which is important part of the project will be demonstratedSpeaker: Viacheslav Golovatyuk (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) -
10:45 AM
Coffe break Conference room... (CZiITT)
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa -
Concept of the Spin Physics Detector Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 WarszawaThe study of the spin effects and polarization phenomena at NICA at high luminosity (up to 10$^{32}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$) a of longitudinally and transversely polarized proton and ,especially, deuteron beam collision requires the development of Spin Physics Detector (SPD) placed at the second interaction point of the collider. SPD consists of the superconducting magnetic system, inner silicon tracker, straw tube tracker, particle identification system, electromagnetic calorimeter and muon range system. The free-streaming DAQ system will allow to store about 4 MHz events. The progress in the development of different SPD subsystems is presented.
Speaker: Dr Vladimir Ladygin (VBLHEP JINR) -
Physics program of the SPD experiment at NICA. Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 WarszawaThe SPD experiment at the NICA collider aims to investigate the nucleon spin structure and polarization phenomena in collisions of longitudinally and transversely polarized protons and deuterons at $\sqrt{s}$ up to 27 GeV and luminosity up to 10$^{32}$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. Production of the Drell-Yan pairs, charmonia, prompt photons and high-p$_T$ hadrons will be the main instrument to access the full set of the leading order transverse momentum-dependent PDFs of nucleons. Physics program of the experiment will be presented in details.
Speaker: Dr Alexey Guskov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) -
Is orbital angular momentum efficiently transferred to spin degreeds of freedom at NICA energies? Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 WarszawaWe compute the relaxation time for quark/antiquark spin and thermal vorticity alignment in a quark-gluon plasma at finite temperature and quark chemical potential. We model the interaction of quark/antiquark spin with thermal vorticity as driven by a phenomenological modification of the elementary quark interaction with gluons. We find that in a scenario where the angular velocity produced in a peripheral heavy-ion collision competes with transverse expansion, and thus is small, quarks/antiquarks take a long time to align their spin with the vorticity. However, when the angular velocity created in the reaction is large, the alignment is efficient and well within the lifetime of the system created in the reaction. The relaxation time is larger for antiquarks which points out to a difference for the polarization of hadrons and antihadrons when this alignment is preserved during hadronization.
Speaker: Prof. Alejandro Ayala (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) -
Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding for WUT in the MPD Experiment room 123, Main Building, WUT
room 123, Main Building, WUT
Gmach Główny, room 123, WUT Main CampusSpeaker: WUT, JINR, MPD representatives
1:00 PM
Lunch break Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa -
NICA Days 2019 General Session: NICA Days 2019 General Session II Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 WarszawaNICA Days 2019 Plenary Session
Finding resonances, unitarity, peculiarities and traps
Finding resonances in amplitudes parametrized by us is an old well-known but controversial issue. Despite the apparent simplicity, it can cause many serious problems and surprises. By performing an analysis of the amplitudes fitted to the data, it's easy to find pecularities and come across traps. They are especially important when planning a precise definition of resonance parameters. The purpose of the presentation is to show what may be the effects of neglecting such problems and how to avoid them. The key here is unitarity and crossing symmetry.
Speaker: Dr Robert Kamiński (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS) -
String fusion effects at NICA energies
The multiparticle production in the relativistic collisions of hadrons and nucli is often considered in a two-stage approach. At the first stage, a certain number of quark-gluon strings is produced, and the final particles are produced by strings decay. The formation and fragmentation of strings is implemented in various Monte Carlo generators, such as PYTHIA, HIJING, FRITIOF, AMPT, UrQMD, etc. However, a number of new and precise measurements from the SPS, RHIC and LHC experiments shows that the many observed effects don't fit into the picture of the individual, non-interacting strings.
Among the observables sensitive to the collective effects are the multiplicity dependence of the transverse momentum, forward-backward correlations and strongly intensive measures, charge and particle ratio correlations and fluctuations, strangeness and charm production.
In this work, we studied the effect of the interaction between strings in pp and AA collisions using at NICA energy range. We applied a dipole-based Monte Carlo model [1, 2], in which the interaction between strings is implemented according to string fusion model [3, 4]. The model takes into account also the finiteness rapidity length of strings, allowing at NICA energies to probe different ranges of baryon density. For the particle species discrimination, the modified Schwinger mechanism is used [5], where the effective string tension, according to the string fusion prescription, depends on the string density. The results demonstrate that the inclusion of string fusion improves the agreement of the model predictions with experimental data. We discuss the possibilities of new measurments using MPD detecter at NICA.The reported study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research according to the research project 18-32-01055_mol_a.
- V. N. Kovalenko, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 76, 1189 (2013).
- V. Kovalenko, V. Vechernin, PoS (Baldin ISHEPP XXI) 077 (2012).
- M. A. Braun, C. Pajares, Nucl. Phys. B. 390, 542 (1993).
- N. S. Amelin, N. Armesto, M. A. Braun, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 2813 (1994).
- J. Schwinger, Phys. Rev. 82, 664 (1951); T. S. Biro, et al., Nucl. Phys. B 245, 449 (1984).
Speaker: Dr Vladimir Kovalenko (St Petersburg State University (RU)) -
QCD phase diagram at NICA - K+/pi+ horn effect and light clusters in THESEUS Topic: Heavy-Ion Collisions and QCD Phase Diagram at NICA
I report on recent progress in the development of the Three-fluid Hydrodynamics-based Event Simulator Extended by UrQMD final State interactions (THESEUS) [1] as a tool for investigating signals for the onset of deconfinement and the formation of a hadron-quark matter mixed phase in heavy-ion collisions at NICA energies. I shall cover three main topics:
1. The study of the MPD detector acceptance influence of the baryon stopping signal for deconfinement in the net proton rapidity distributions for the NICAS beam-energy scan [2].
2. Extension of the particlization routine to include light cluster production (deuterium, tritium) and application to study thermal and coalescence schemes; comparison with results from NA49 at 20 and 30 AGeV as well as preliminary results from HADES at 1.3 AGeV with preliminary conclusions on the role of in-medium effects [3].
3. Development of the thermal model scheme of particlization to study the K+/pi+ and K-/pi- ratios as a function of the beam energy, based on the Beth-Uhlenbeck approach to Mott dissociation of kaons and pions in hot, dense quark matter at the hadronization transition [4].References:
[1] P. Batyuk et al., PRC 94, 044917 (2016)
[2] V. Voronyuk et al., in preparation
[3] G. Roepke et al., PPN Letters 15, 225 (2018)
[4] D. Blaschke et al., PRD 96, 094008 (2017)Speaker: David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw) -
3:45 PM
Coffee break
Pixel detectors for the Inner Tracking System of NICA MPD
One of the key problems of modern relativistic nuclear physics is the study of the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter. These experiments try to answer the question of how the transition of the QGP to the hadron gas occurs. To resolve such ambitious problems of studying hot and dense baryonic matter occurring in the relativistic heavy ion collisions, a new mega set-up is currently being developed at JINR: Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) at NICA collider [1]. The main element of this MPD set-up it will be tracking system, required for the precise determination of track vertices with subsequent track reconstructions of all detected charged particles in a wide range of transverse momentum and pseudo rapidity.
The monolithic active pixel sensors based on CMOS technology are also being considered as building block for the construction of the vertex and inner tracker of the NICA MPD. These sensors were developed for the upgraded Inner Tracing System of ALICE experiment in CERN [2].
In this overview the properties and characteristics of multicomponent detector modules as basic elements for the precise determination of primary and secondary vertices together with new ultralight, radiation-transparent carbon fiber support structures (all detector modules are mounted on these structures) will be reported. Also possible use of these technologies for the experiments SPD, BM@N and NA61/SHINE will be discussed.
The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project № 18-02-40075.
[1] V. Kekelidze, V. Matveev, I. Meshkov, A. Sorin, G. Trubnikov, Project Nuclotron-based Ion Collider Facility at JINR. Physics of Particles and Nuclei, 2017, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 727–741.
[2] ALICE collaboration, Technical design report for the upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, vol. 41, iss. 8, P087002, 2014.Speaker: Dr Vladimir Zherebchevsky (Saint-Petersburg State University) -
Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) experimental setup which is under construction in
JINR and Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron (BM@N) have many common detectors and
servicing equipment. The monitoring and control system which was developed for
the BM@N experiment can serve as a good starting point for developing control
system of MPD experimental hardware. Short overview and results of usage of the
monitoring and control system at BM@N are presented in the report.Speaker: Vitaly Shutov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) -
Study of 6He - d reactions at the ACCULINNA-2 separator
Measurement of reactions of $^{6}\mathrm{He}$ with deuterium target was performed in inverse kinematics at the beam energy of 160 MeV. The measurement was performed at the ACCULINNA-2 fragment separator, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia using 6He beam delivered by U400M cyclotron. Both energies and angles of the ejectiles were detected in a range from 30 to 80 degrees in the laboratory frame. Preliminary results of data analysis are going to be presented.
Speaker: B.Z. Zalewski (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))
MPD Institutional Board Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa-
Common Fund and Publication Policy DiscussionSpeaker: Prof. Itzhak Tserruya (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
7:00 PM
Welcome Drink Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology
Koszykowa 75
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
Registration of the Participants Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa -
CAEN S.p.a. Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 WarszawaIndustrial partner presentation
Speaker: Jacopo Givoletti -
MPD Collaboration Meeting for general audience: MPD Collaboration Meeting Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa-
FAIR-NICA CooperationSpeaker: Paolo Giubellino (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
Short-lived resonances and neutral mesons in the physical program of the NICA-MPD
Short-lived hadronic resonances such as $K*(892)^{0,\pm}$, $\rho(770)^{0}$, $\phi(1020)$, $\Sigma(1385)^{\pm}$, $\Lambda(1520)$ and $\Xi(1530)^{0}$) are used to study different aspects of particle production and collision dynamics in pp, p—A and relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The yields of resonances are sensitive to the competing processes of hadron rescattering and regeneration, thus making these particles unique probes of the properties of the late hadronic phase. Measurements of resonances with different masses and quantum numbers also provide insight into strangeness production and processes that determine the shapes of particle momentum spectra.
We discuss results of the model-based studies of the influence of the
hadronic phase on the measured properties of resonances in heavy-ion
collisions at NICA energies. Moreover, we discuss prospects for resonance measurements in the MPD experimental setup and results of the feasibility studies obtained using Monte Carlo simulation of the detector performance.Speaker: Viktor Riabov (NRC Kurchatov Institute PNPI (RU)) -
Current status of the Time-of-Flight system of the MPD
Mass production of detectors and modules of the MPD TOF system was launched in March 2019. Currently, the production process of all elements of the Time-of-Flight system has stabilized but is passing slightly behind schedule. The report will present the reasons behind this lag, and an updated schedule will be presented taking into account the current situation.
In addition, the report will present the latest simulation results of the Time-of-Flight system with the newest detailed geometry in the MPDROOT and the status of creating service subsystems.Speaker: Mr Vadim Babkin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) -
Mini Beam-Beam monitoring: a wake-up trigger detector for the TOF of MPD
Progresses on the design of an inner mini Beam-Beam (MBB) monitoring de- tector to help triggering the TOF is described. This consists of a cylinder 60 cm in length and 52 cm in diameter with strips located on the surface of the cylinder along its axis consisting in arrays of 2cm x 2cm x 0.3 cm$^{3}$ scintillating plastics separated by 1cm. This detector is proposed to be part of MPD and is being developed by the MexNICA group. We also show the first mechanical and structural design for mBB together with the corresponding strength and mechanical simulation results using the CAD software. Also, using MC simulations, we show the performance of the scin- tillating plastic squares coupled each to four SensL Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPM) sensors. These studies show the importance of sensor location on the plastic sensitive area. Finally, we describe the advances in the front-end design based on fast signals from the used SiPMs. Triggering instrumentation design for Time of Flight (TOF) detector awake is also presented along with TRB3 interfacing for fast signal processing, independent from trigger circuitry.
Speaker: Dr Lucio F. Rebolledo-Herrera (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico / Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla) -
10:45 AM
Coffee break
Development of the Fast Interaction Trigger for MPD experiment
The fast triggering of nucleus – nucleus collisions and the precise TOF measurement with picosecond time resolution are important features of all experiments at RHIC and LHC colliders.
The Fast Interaction Trigger (FIT) system is an important part of the Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) setup for study of Au + Au collisions with beams of NICA collider in the energy interval 4 ≤ sqrt(Snn) ≤ 11 GeV. The main aims of the FIT are (1) fast and effective triggering of Au + Au collisions in the center of the MPD setup and (2) generation of the start pulse for the TOF detector.
The fast vertex-trigger signal, provided by Fast Forward Detector (FFD), is the main signal of the L0 trigger of MPD. The fast determination of z-position of collision point of the vertex requires the appearance of pulses with high amplitudes in both sub-detectors FFDe (East side) and FFDw (West side) and it defines the trigger efficiency. For this aim the pulses of each sub-detector are fed to sub-detector electronics unit. Two-threshold method is used to get a good time resolution, only LVDS pulses with lengths above a threshold value (corresponding to photodetector output pulses with large amplitudes) are used for production of sub-detector pulses Te and Tw. The time of generation of these pulses is defined by appearance of the first good pulse from sub-detector modules.
This presentation will cover the main design concepts, detector construction, beam test results, and the results of detector performance studies.
Speaker: Mr Victor Rogov (JINR) -
Correlation femtoscopy at NICA energies
The correlation femtoscopy gives possibilities to measure the space-time characteristics of particle production processes due to the effects of quantum statistics (QS) and final state interactions (FSI). Femtoscopy at lower energies was intensively studied at AGS, SPS and in the Beam Energy Scan (BES) program.
Results on pion and kaon correlation femtoscopy for the NICA energy range are shown in the work. Also, a set of auxiliary tools to perform simulation with the vHLLE+UrQMD model in a simpler manner is presented. A new package to be used for femtoscopy analysis is announced and first correlations functions got directly from the model are shown.Speaker: Pavel Batyuk (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) -
Feasibility studies of femtoscopic measurements in MPD
One of measurements that will be performed in MPD are femtoscopic measurements. This technique makes possible to measure spatio-temporal sizes of the source that emits particles by measuring two-particle correlations.
In this talk I present results of studies pion-pion correlations obtained from simulation with UrQMD model and MPD detector setup. I discuss the track and pair selection criteria. I also discuss of precission of the femtoscopic measurements with MPD.Speaker: Daniel Henryk Wielanek (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
12:30 PM
Lunch break Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa -
MPD/NA61 Joint Session Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa-
Particle production properties at SPS energy range - recent results from NA61/SHINE experiment.
The research programme of the NA61 collaboration covers a wide range of hadronic physics in the CERN SPS energy range. It encompasses measurements of hadron-hadron, hadron-nucleus as well as nucleus-nucleus collisions. The latter are analyzed to better understand the properties of hot and dense nuclear matter. In this contribution recent results on particle production in proton-proton, Be+Be, Ar+Sc interactions at beam energies of 19/20A, 30/31A, 40A, 75/80A and 150/158A GeV/c will be presented as well synergies with future NICA program will be emphasised.
Speaker: Szymon Mateusz Pulawski (University of Silesia (PL)) -
Fluctuations and correlations study at NA61/SHINE
The strong interactions program of NA61/SHINE, a fixed-target experiment at the CERN SPS, focuses on the search for the critical point of strongly interacting matter. The strategy of the Collaboration is to perform a comprehensive two dimensional scan of the phase diagram $\mu_{B} – T$ by changing the collision energy and the system size. If in this scenario, the system freeze-out occurs in the vicinity of the possible critical point, then a region of enhanced fluctuations is expected in suitable fluctuation measures.
The talk will review the ongoing NA61/SHINE analysis on multiplicity and transverse momentum fluctuations in terms of intensive and strongly intensive quantities. Furthermore, their pseudorapidity dependence, which corresponds to a scan in the baryon chemical potential $\mu_{B}$ at the freeze-out stage, will be presented along with the study of the higher moments of multiplicity distributions.
The talk also discusses the approaches to corrections of the results and possible systematic problems in the analysis.
Speaker: Daria Prokhorova (St Petersburg State University (RU)) -
Open charm measurements plans in NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPSSpeaker: Pawel Piotr Staszel (Jagiellonian University (PL))
NA61/SHINE detector upgrade
The NA61/SHINE detector, at the CERN SPS, is undergoing a major upgrade during the LHC Long Shutdown 2 period (2019-2021). The upgrade is essential to fulfil the requirements of new open charm measurement program. It is necessary to stress that this new physics goal can be achieve only when the readout rate will be increase by a factor 10 and the resolution of the secondary vertex in the high multiplicity tracks environment of Pb-Pb events will be improved. The following elements of the experiment are parts of the upgrade: Time Projection Chambers (TPC), Vertex Detector (VD), Beam Position Detectors (BPD), Particle Spectator Detector (PSD) and Time of Flight detectors (TOF). On top of the detectors, new Trigger and Data Acquisition (TDAQ) system is being developed. In the proposed talk the progress on design and development of new detectors and TDAQ system for NA61/SHINE experiment will be presented.
Speaker: Dariusz Tefelski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) -
ALICE technologies proposed for the VD of NA61/SHINE in connection to the future MPD Si tracker
In this report I would like to show, first of all, briefly, the main challenges of the Inner Tracking System (ITS) design for ALICE that were successfully met, which is proved by 10 years of operation at the LHC. Secondly, the conceptual current design of the Vertex Detector for open charm at the NA61/SHINE will be discussed for two options of Small and Large Area Detector systems (SAVD and LAVD). Status of SAVD and LAVD are to be presented. This includes both the implementation of record breaking carbon fiber technologies and MIMOSA sensors performance of SAVD and the expected future ALPIDE applications for LAVD. And, finally, some ideas on possible synergies with the future ITS for MPD are also discussed.
Speaker: Grigori Feofilov (St Petersburg State University (RU)) -
3:55 PM
Coffee break
Upgrade of the NA61/SHINE ToF system based on a MRPCs for the NICA experiments
The obsolete left-right time-of-flight system (TOF-LR) of the hadron spectrometer NA61/SHINE require upgrades due to significant ageing of scintillators, photo-multipliers, power supplies as well as the outdated readout electronics and cables. New TOF detectors based on multi-gap resistive plate chambers (MRPC) for the NICA experiments are proposed as a replacement.
The progress on design and development of new TOF system for NA61/SHINE experiment will be presented in the report.Speaker: Mr Aleksandr Dmitriev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) -
Synergy in the development of forward hadron calorimeters for NA61, BM@N, MPD and CBM experiments
The lead/scintillator transverse and longitudinal segmented forward hadron calorimeters will be used in the upgraded NA61 and BM@N experiments and future CBM, MPD experiments to measure centrality and reaction plane orientation in heavy ion collisions. Similar calorimeter has been already used at the NA61 experiments on the search for the critical point and the onset of deconfiment in nucleus-nucleus interactions.
The light detection in all of these calorimeters is provided by the micropixel photodiodes and signal readout is provided by sampling ADCs. At present, already constructed modules for the future CBM experiments at FAIR are used at the NA61 upgraded hadron calorimeter and at the new hadron calorimeter in the BM@N experiments.
Mutual interest in the the forward hadron calorimeters developments for these experiments, including development of different approaches of the centrality determination, calibration procedure will be discussed.Speaker: Fedor Guber (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU)) -
Non-standard GEM foils for gaseous detectors
Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology is widely used in many application in nuclear and particle physics. It offers the potential to develop new gaseous detectors with unprecedented spatial resolution, high rate capability, sizeable sensitive area, operational stability and radiation hardness. In this contribution, a brief overview of gaseous detector development at the University of Warsaw will be presented, as well as basic concepts, operational mechanisms and performance of the gas amplifier structures based on standard and non-standard GEM foils will be discussed
Speaker: Magdalena Kuich (University of Warsaw (PL)) -
Convolutional neural network for centrality determination in fixed target experiments
Fixed target experiments have an unique possibility to measure centrality of colliding systems by hadronic calorimeters on the beam line. This is usually achieved by the detection of all forward nucleon spectators and accomplishes fluctuation and correlation measures with lower biases than in collider experiments. However, hadronic calorimeters have much lower resolution than multiplicity detectors that introduces additional volume fluctuation to the measures.
In this work, we present the first attempt to increase the resolution capacity of the spectator detector by implementing a convolutional neural network to the modular structure of the Projectile Spectator Calorimeter of the NA61/SHINE experiment. The data were generated in the framework of SHIELD Monte-Carlo event generator with detector response simulated with GEANT4 for the collisions of the lightest available system (${}^7$Be+${}^9$Be) and for the highest beam momentum (150A GeV/c). Two ways of determination centrality -- by a number of forward spectators and by forward energy -- are considered. In comparison with the classical centrality selection method, the neural net shows a significant increase of centrality selection accuracy after implementation.Speaker: Denis Uzhva (St Petersburg State University (RU))
6:00 PM
Gala Dinner Siwy Dym Restaurant
Siwy Dym Restaurant
Puławska 378, 00-001 WarszawaRestaurant Siwy Dym
Address: Puławska 378, 00-001 Warszawa
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
Registration of the Participants Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa -
MPD Collaboration Meeting: MPD Meeting I Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa-
A “vector finder” approach to track reconstruction in the Inner Tracking System of MPD/NICA.
At present, the accelerator complex NICA [1] is being built at JINR (Dubna). It is intended for performing experiments to study interactions of relativistic nuclei and polarized particles (protons and deuterons). One of the experimental facilities MPD (MultiPurpose Detector) [2] was designed to investigate nucleus-nucleus, proton-nucleus and proton-proton interactions.
As one of the possible MPD upgrade steps, an Inner Tracking System (ITS) based on the next generation silicon pixel detectors [3] is being considered to be installed between the beam pipe and the Time Projection Chamber (TPC). It is expected that such a detector will increase the research potential of the experiment for both the proton-proton (high luminosity) and nucleus-nucleus (high particle multiplicity) interactions. According to the proposed design, the MPD ITS will consist of five layers of silicon pixel detectors. The main purpose of the ITS is to provide a better precision of the primary and secondary vertex reconstruction and improve track reconstruction in the MPD in the region close to the interaction point.
The existing in the MPD track reconstruction method is based on the Kalman filter in the TPC. Its simple extension to the ITS is not adequate to fully exploit the potential of the new detector, therefore such a method cannot be considered as a good tool to study ITS performance. That is why another algorithm, based on the “vector finder” approach, was developed. The talk will describe the proposed track finding algorithm for the ITS of MPD and present its performance results obtained on Monte-Carlo generated data of nucleus-nucleus collisions.
[1] Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility web-site: http://nica.jinr.ru
[2] MultiPurpose Detector web-site: http://mpd.jinr.ru
[3] B.Abelev et al [ALICE Collaboration], J. Phys., G41 (2014) 087002Speaker: Dmitry Zinchenko (JINR) -
Performance studies of anisotropic flow with MPD at NICA
The Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) at NICA collider has a substantial discovery potential concerning
the exploration of the QCD phase diagram in the region of high net-baryon densities and moderate temperatures.
The anisotropic transverse flow is one of the key observables to study the properties of dense
matter created in heavy-ion collisions. The MPD performance for anisotropic flow measurements is
studied with Monte-Carlo simulations of gold ions at NICA energies $\sqrt {{S_{NN}}} = 4 - 11 GeV
using different heavy-ion event generators. Different combinations of the MPD detector subsystems
are used to investigate the possible systematic biases in flow measurements, and to study effects
of detector azimuthal non-uniformity. The resulting performance of the MPD for flow measurements is
demonstrated for the directed and elliptic flow of identified charged hadrons as a function
of rapidity and transverse momentum in different centrality classes.Speaker: Arkadiy Taranenko (NRNU MEPhI) -
Study of energy distributions in FHCal
We propose to study the angular distributions of the energy deposited in FHCal modules. The obtained distributions were fitted by the linear function on event-by-event basis. This fit allows to extract the transverse gradient of the spectator energy in the calorimeter and also the energy carried by free spectators inside the beam hole. The clear correlations between the fit parameters are observed in full range of the collision centralities.
Assuming, that the peripheral area of FHCal is occupied mainly by the produced particles (pions), it can be possible to subtract their energy contributions to the full FHCal energy. It makes possible to calculate the energy of free spectators in the central collisions and to avoid the ambiguity in FHCal energy depositions for central and peripheral events. Potentially, the developed approaches would help in the determination of the centrality of the collision with FHCal without application of the TPC information on multiplicity.Speaker: Dr Alexander Ivashkin (INR RAS) -
Centrality Determination in Heavy-ion Collisions with MPD (NICA)
Centrality is a key parameter for defining the collision system size in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
It provides a tool for selecting events according to cross section in a similar way in different
experiments and with theoretical model calculations.
The progress of centrality determination in Au+Au collisions at
Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) at the future NICA collider is presented.
The choice of variables used for event classification will be discussed.Speaker: Mr Petr Parfenov (NRNU MEPhI (RU) INR RAS (RU)) -
MPD electromagnetic calorimeter simulation
In a frame of the NICA / MPD project, a unique cylindrical electromagnetic calorimeter (ECal) is being created. Recently, the design of the power frame made of carbon fiber was completed. This led to significant changes of the calorimeter structure. This report gives a brief description of the new ECal geometry, the modification of simulation procedure and the current basic parameters of the calorimeter. The ECal geometry simulation is based on the standard software of
the MPD detector: MpdRoot and FairSoft. In the new version, the calorimeter consists of 38,400 “shashlik” towers with 210 layers combined from a 1.5 mm scintillator plate and 0.3 mm lead plate coated with reflective paint. The shapes of the towers are approximately a truncated pyramid with a base of 44 cm2 and of 64 types, more accurately described by a set of trapezoids. All towers look at the point of the beam intersection, forming the so-called projective geometry. Each calorimeter module is formed of 16 towers. All modules are placed in 50 baskets with a total weight equal to 1.2 tons each. As part of this program, independent module options have been developed to use in the test measurements on cosmic ray and electron beams. This work was supported by RFBR grants № 18-02-40054 and № 18-02-40079.Speaker: Mr Maxim Martemianov (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - ITEP (RU)) -
11:05 AM
Coffee break
Quark Matter presentation rehearsalSpeaker: Adam Kisiel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
Extraction of multiple parton interactions from forward-backward multiplicity correlations
Forward-backward multiplicity correlations have been studied in electron-positron, proton-proton and more recently in lead-lead collisions. For the proton-proton case, comparison of experimental results to different models reveals an incomplete understanding of the physical phenomenon associated with these correlations. In this work, we present a study of forward-backward multiplicity correlations in proton-proton collisions using the PYTHIA event generator, at LHC energies. A detailed analysis is presented with and without weak decays, splitting data samples into soft and hard QCD processes, and comparing the computed correlations for short and long range pseudorapidity regions. Each of these regions is analyzed accounting for the effects of color reconnection and independent multiple parton interactions. We show that a combination of these effects is required to explain the latest measurements on proton-proton data. Furthermore, is shown that from measurements of multiplicity correlations is possible to extract the average number of multiple parton interactions in the event producing these correlations, and albeit model depending, to predict the strength of these correlations, not yet measured, for higher energy collisions
Speaker: Eleazar Cuautle Flores (Universidad Nacional Autonoma (MX)) -
Beauty = Truth. On the role of aestheics in physics
Modern theories of physics are elaborate, math-heavy constructions that aim to encompass the workings of the world in the largest possible scales on the one hand (relativistic cosmology), and on the deepest subatomic level on the other (quantum field theories). What they share in common is the special kind of raw, majestic beauty, which not only enthralls theorists (including Einstein and Dirac), but sometimes even drives their scientific pursuits. But what actually makes a theory "beautiful"? In order to answer this question, during this popular lecture we shall take a quick walk starting from the very dawn of (mathematical) physics all the way to the current search for grand unification. Can aesthetics really lead us closer to the truth, or is beauty a luring, but deceiptful guide that should have no place in the logical and empirical method of physics?
Speaker: Dr Tomasz Miller (Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Jagiellonian University)
1:00 PM
Lunch break Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa -
MPD Collaboration Meeting: MPD Meeting II Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa-
MPD Yoke production status
Report presents problems and solutions of MPD Yoke production. There are short descriptions about
production tolerances of main details, Yoke control assembly, transportation and axillary equipment
production.Speaker: Dr Nikolai Topilin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) -
Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the MPD at NICA
ECal type "shashlik" having sampling 300 micron Pb and transverse cell size ~4x4 cm2 has the ability to measure energy with the resolution up to 5% in the range of energy at NICA.
Due to not fully projective geometry of the detector (the reason is the large scatter of the interaction point), in certain cases, a correction of the hit position depending on the interaction point is needed. As an example, it is shown that using this correction when restoring π0 can reduce the sigma in two times.
It found an easy method to calibrate calorimeter using cosmic muons.Speaker: Igor Tyapkin (JINR) -
Main parameters of MPD Electromagnetic Calorimeter in Latest Geometry Version.
As part of the NICA/MPD project, a unique cylindrical electromagnetic calorimeter (ECal) is being created with a diameter of 2 m, a length of 6 m and a total weight of about 60 tons. Recently, the design of a 12-ton power frame of ECal made of carbon and glass-plastic was completed. This led to the need for a significant changes in the structure of ECal. A new program for the geometric description of ECal was created, including both the power frame and the new structure of the modules and their layout. The report is devoted to the first presentation of the main characteristics of ECal. The power frame contributes 10.9% of the radiation length in front of the ECal (in addition to 17.2% of the TOF), and also adds plastic partitions from 0.2 to 14 mm thick between the modules. This leads to an average decrease in the total ionization signal from the ECal by 10%, which weakly affects the energy resolution, which remains at 4.5% for 1.0 GeV photons, but significantly distorts the Gaussian shape of the energy response distribution due to an increase in the low-energy tail. The energy and angular accuracy of the ECal and their dependence on the photon energy and the threshold of the electronics, the detection efficiency of photons, muons and neutrons, the expected resolution in the mass of the neutral pion will be given. This work was supported by RFBR grant No. 18-02-40054.
Speaker: Dr Viacheslav Kulikov (NRC “Kurchatov Institute” − ITEP, Moscow 117218, Russia) -
Full MPD Ecal. Data Base
The report describes a database being developed to store a large amount of information about the electromagnetic calorimeter of MPD. A brief description of the manufacture of calorimeter modules is given. The advantages of using the database during the creation and operation of the electromagnetic calorimeter are shown.
Speaker: Mrs Larisa Stolypina (JINR) -
Status of FHCal
We present the current status of Forward Hadron Calorimeter (FHCal) at MPD. It consists of two arms, each comprises 44 individual modules. The performance of FHCal for the determination of the geometry of heavy ion collisions will be discussed.
The status of the FHCal modules production will be reported. The approaches in the energy calibration of FHCal with cosmic muons will be reported. The future plans for the FHCal integration in MPD and it's orepation would be also discussed.Speaker: Dr Alexander Ivashkin (INR RAS) -
3:40 PM
Coffee break
A MAPS based Inner Tracking System of the Multi-Purpose Detector at the NICA collider
The Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) is being constructed to study the properties of extremely dense nuclear matter formed in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at NICA energies. The yields of strange and charmed particles are the important observables sensitive to critical phenomena in phase transitions of the QGP-matter at high net-baryon density. Highly efficient registration of such short-lived products of nuclear interactions using vertex silicon detectors will play a key role in the analysis of the possible onset of deconfinement in nuclear matter.
An Inner Tracking System (ITS) based on the Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) is under design by the emerging MPD ITS collaboration in Dubna and Wuhan. The ultra-light carbon fiber structure carries five layers of CMOS ALPIDE sensors recently elaborated by the ALICE collaboration. The two layers of the Outer Barrel (OB) are built out of 42 staves developed for the new ALICE ITS to be installed at CERN next year. The MPD ITS mainframe mechanics and the OB installation is planned to be completed in 2023. The Inner Barrel (IB) will use novel MAPS sensors of enlarged area and reduced thickness to be developed together with the ALICE collaboration within 2020-2025 and installed after the reduction of the diameter of the MPD beam pipe to optimal value of 38 mm will become possible.
The report presents the main details of the MPD ITS layout, computer simulations of the pointing resolution gained with the system, as well as a quality assessment of the MPD tracking system including ITS and Time Projection Chamber used for the reconstruction of the multi-strange hyperons and the D-mesons produced in the central Au-Au collisions at = 9 GeV.Speaker: Dr Yuri Murin (JINR) -
Status of the proposal for a beam-beam monitoring system for the MPD
The MexNICA collaboration proposed in 2016 a beam-beam monitoring detector system (BE-BE) for the MPD-NICA experiment. This BE-BE detector is able to provide complementary capabilities such as a trigger signal for MPD to identify and to discriminate beam-beam minimum bias or centrality events from background and beam-gas interactions. Additionally, the BE-BE detector is useful for luminosity measurements and event plane resolution studies. In this talk we present the status of the BE-BE design, the status of prototype tests and recent simulations to highlight its capabilities, relevant for the stage 2 of MPD experiment.
Speaker: Prof. Maria Elena Tejeda-Yeomans (Universidad de Colima) -
The demonstrator of Cosmic Ray Detector (MCORD) for the MPD detector.
The article shows the present construction state of the MCORD detector (MPD Cosmic Ray Detector) demonstrator and early designstatus of the full MCORD detector based on thelong and thin plastic scintillators with silicon photomultiplier photodetectors (SiPM) for the photon readout. Additionally we describethe analog front-end and digital electronic system based on MicroTCA crate. The Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) is a part of Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) located in Dubna, Russia. The MPD needs an additional trigger system for better muons recognition and for rejection of cosmic ray muons. The NICA-PL consortium comprised of several Polish scientific institutions has been formed to determine goals and basic assumptions for MCORD detector.
Speaker: Dr Marcin Bielewicz (Nacional Centre for Nuclear Research) -
visualization of online and archived equipment values of BM@N and MPD experiments
Centralized equipment monitoring is an integral part of physical experiments. Convenient display and subsequent extraction of the stored values from the database reduces human error probability, simplifies the process of data collection and allows it to be used in the processing data from the detectors, increasing the quality of the results.
Modern technologies and standarts make it possible to incapsulate implementation complexity of monitoring systems, providing access to the user through browser or desktop applications.
This presentation discusses the utilities and tools developed by our group for the BM@N and MPD experiments.
Speaker: Petr Chumakov (JINR) -
Event simulation and reconstruction in the BM@N experiment
The BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) is the first experiment to be realized at the accelerator complex of NICA-Nuclotron at JINR (Dubna, Russia). The aim of the experiment is to study interactions of relativistic heavy ion beams with a kinetic energy from 1 to 4.5 AGeV with fixed targets. Status of detector setup simulation is presented including geometry description and Monte-Carlo data digitization. The main stages of event reconstruction for the BM@N experiment are described in report. Some of experimental results are shown.
Speaker: Sergei Merts -
Software developments for detectors experimental hardware
Big modern physics detector experiments represent a collaboration of workgroups and require wide variety of electronic equipment. All devices can be classified into two categories - Data Acquisition (DAQ) equipment and hardware that is not time-critical and can be run at low priority.
But the statuses and stored data from these systems, such as high voltage systems, gas systems, temperature sensors, front-end electronics, etc. play notable part in the experiment operation and further data analysis.
Monitoring, control and archiving of the values from the devices must be centralised and unified to simplify data access and interaction between detectors and subsystems.Speaker: Dmitry Egorov (JINR)
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
Registration of the Participants Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa -
International Collaborators Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa-
FAIR's SIS100 Quadrupole Dublet Modules - production and supply line overviewSpeaker: Kamil Kozlowski (GSI)
Industrial Session Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 WarszawaPresentations of the Industrial Partners
Present and Future CAEN instrumentation 2019Speaker: Jacopo Givoletti
- 56
Development of the Intelligent Power Distribution System
The goal of this paper is to present further development of the Intelligent Distribution System. The system connects a number of devices to a three-phase network and balance loading of this network. The main challenge during the design process is to propose compact solution, which will be compatible with the MPD platform. Simultaneously, all necessary functionalities, i.e., circuits protection, soft-start of the system, online monitoring and remote control, are provided.
Speaker: Rami Faraj -
CiS Silicon detectors Development, Prototyping, Production, Test, Assembly
CiS Silicon detectors Development, Prototyping, Production, Test, Assembly
Speaker: Ralf Röder
10:30 AM
Coffee break Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa -
NICA Technical Session Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa-
Naming and Numbering Convention for the Equipment Database of the NICA project.
In every big scientific project human influence creates disorder. For an investment as big as NICA it is crucial to organize all the elements and minimize the chaos. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to create an Equipment Database (EqDb). Each component in the EqDb will receive its individual Part Identifier. Naming and Numbering Convention is a document containing instructions for Part Identifier creation. It was based on the existing model from CERN [1]. These Part Identifiers will simplify component identification at the location.
Speaker: Michalina Milewicz-Zalewska (Joint Institute for Nuclear Reactions)
12:10 PM
Lunch break Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa -
NICA Technical Session Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa-
HIC simulations with different EoS models
We have developed and performed a Bayesian analysis for selecting the most probable equation of state under a set of constraints from compact star physics, which now include the tidal deformability from GW170817. The calculations for two-parameter family of hybrid equations of state, which produces a third family of hybrid stars in the mass-radius diagram, have been made. We are preparing to apply our Bayesian analysis method also for extension of hybrid equations of state for the symmetric matter case for the finite temperatures, which will be used for HIC simulations. The results of simulations for Rapidity Distribution and Curvature at Midrapidity as well as hadron Ratios at Midrapidity will be used in Bayesian analysis method to obtain the probabilities for the model parameters within their considered range.
Speaker: Dr Hovik Grigorian -
The dosimetry protection of the MPD Electronic Equipment at the new NICA Collider – the prototype system
“The prototype dosimetry system to protect NICA Slow Control electronic equipment” project was started in Dubna at the beginning of 2018. Its primary purpose is to design a prototype dosimetry system for continuous monitoring of Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) Slow Control electronic equipment which can protect it against accidental ionizing radiation caused by the NICA collider failure or its abnormal functioning. The system will be fitted out with alarming features which can inform chosen people about crossing the safe threshold of the radiation and the electronics will be possibly destroyed by the irradiation. Then the controlled switching off of the Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) Complex can be possible. The system can also be utilized for protecting the personnel working on electronic platform near the MPD against the radiation. The presentation describes the prototype system status of hardware and software after almost two years of work. There will be also presented the plans for the future.
Speaker: Arkadiusz Chłopik (National Centre for Nuclear Research) -
Beam-Beam Collisions Monitor for NICA
The Fast Beam-Beam Collisions (FBBC) monitor, based on the application of the secondary emission detectors – the Micro Channel Plates (MCPs), is proposed for NICA experiments at JINR. Two interaction points are foreseen for beam intersections at NICA: one for heavy-ion studies with the Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) and another one for the polarized beams for the Spin Physics (SPD) experiment. The fast MCPs with the improved performance characteristics such as low resistivity (100-500 MOhm) 6μ channels, high efficiency of MIPs registration and high gain (~107), the extended life duration, very short signals with fast rise-time (~0.8ns), are proposed for the event-by-event monitoring of the beam-beam interactions. The ultra-high vacuum compatibility and the low-mass compact design allow the application of the MCP setup inside the vacuum beam-pipe.
The conceptual design of the Beam-Beam Collisions detector and fast readout electronics is presented and discussed.Acknowledgments: The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project №18-02-40097/19
Speaker: Dr Grigori Feofilov (St Petersburg State University (RU)) -
MPD TPC StatusSpeaker: Sergei Movchan (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))
TPC electronics cooling design statusSpeaker: Vladimir Chepurnov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR))
4:00 PM
Coffee break
Overview of the status of the front end electronics which planning to use with a long strips readout MRPC at the Time-of-Flight measurements in the NICA-MPD experiment.
Speaker: Mikhail Buryakov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) -
Surface characterization techniques for studying heavy ion irradiation effects in materials
The aim of the report is to present the surface characterization techniques available within the framework of the Nano-laboratory building at the FLNR, JINR. The laboratory provides state-of-the-art spectroscopy and microscopy instrumentation for research on the application of heavy-ion beams in the field of nanotechnology and materials science. The techniques available include coupled confocal Raman spectroscopy-scanning probe microscopy (STM, AFM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results will be presented on the example of various carbon-based materials irradiated with heavy ions in the keV to GeV energy range. A possible extension of the work reported would be to study the effects induced by slow highly charged ion beams. Such beams can be produced by electron cyclotron resonance ion sources at the FLNR or electron string ion sources developed for the NICA injection facility.
Speaker: Andrzej Olejniczak (JINR) -
Average high energy neutron flux distribution in the Quinta sub-critical assembly irradiated with proton beam of 0.66 GeV energy applying the actinide spectral index method
The paper presents the results of investigations of nuclear-physical characteristics of neutron fields generated in a massive uranium target irradiated by deuterons with an energy of 0.66 GeV. 23 natural uranium samples spatially arranged in a sub-critical assembly Quinta (at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna , Russia), were irradiated with spallation neutrons. We have processed the experimental data based on gamma-ray spectrometry in order to reach (obtain) the number of neutron induced fissions and neutron captures in the detector foils. Applying the try and error method we have found that the neutron energy for which the ratio of the fission cross section to the capture cross section of the natural uranium from the nuclear data base is equal to the measured ratio of the spectral indexes. The retrieved distinct fission and capture cross sections for the distinct neutron energy from the nuclear data base describe the average values which enabled us to evaluate the average neutron flux and neutron fluency distribution in the assembly.
Speaker: Marcin Szuta (National Centre for Nuclear Research) -
Probing the QCD critical end point through multi-messenger observations of compact stars and heavy ion collisions.
In order to prove the existence of a critical end point (CEP) in the QCD phase diagram it is sufficient to demonstrate
that at zero temperature $T=0$ a first order phase transition exists as a function of the baryochemical potential $\mu$,
since it is established knowledge from ab-initio lattice QCD simulations that at $\mu=0$ the transition on the
temperature axis is a crossover.We present the argument that the observation of a gap in the mass-radius relationship for compact stars which proves the
existence of a so-called third family (aka "mass twins") will imply that the $T=0$ equation of state of compact star
matter exhibits a strong first order transition with a latent heat that satisfies $\Delta\epsilon/\epsilon_c > 0.6$.
Since such a strong first order transition under compact star conditions will remain first order when going to symmetric
matter, the observation of a disconnected third family branch of compact stars in the mass-radius diagram proves the
existence of a CEP in QCD.To quantify the mass twins phenomenon, I will show a recent developed EoS that features of a color superconducting
chiral quark model with nonlocal, covariant interactions bearing density dependent vector meson coupling and a
density-dependent bag pressure. This model allows for a scenario where the compact stars of the GW170817 event are
either both hadronic, both hybrid, or simultaneously hadronic and hybrid configurations, expected to be identified
through the detection of gravitational radiation produced by compact star mergers.In order to study the information derived from compact star observations, I shall review the method of estimation of
tidal deformabilities of compact stars (encoded in gravitational radiation of mergers) and present results for pure
hadronic as well as hybrid stars that include the mass twins case. In particular, the recent detection of gravitational
radiation from the GW170817 event shed light on the properties of the neutron star equation of state (EoS), thus
comprising both the study of the symmetry energy, stellar radius and the mass twins scenario. Along these lines, at the
end of my talk I shall present an analysis of star rotations aimed at probing the compact star maximum mass which turns
out to strongly constrain the maximum density found in star cores.Speaker: David Edwin Alvarez Castillo
8:00 AM
TeFeNICA Session Centrum Zaawansowanych Materiałów i Technologii CEZAMAT
Centrum Zaawansowanych Materiałów i Technologii CEZAMAT
Poleczki 19, 02-822 Warszawa, PolskaPresentations of Student's reports after TeFeNICA programme
Development and optimization of mpdroot software
The main task of my project was to determine and fix errors and warnings in Mpd-Root software. Mpd-Root is a simulation and analysis framework for NICA/MPD Detectors. Due to the work which was done - warnings free, compilable software code was obtained and released. Additionally, macros included in software files were checked in context of ability to work properly.
Speakers: Daniel Osinski, Wojciech Żurkowski -
Management of the Monte Carlo simulation process in the MPD experiment on the NICA cluster
The presentation shows the problem of mass simulation and generation of Monte Carlo particle collisions in the MPD experiment. It contains information about the tools used and how to solve the problem, next stages of work, the current outline of the program and a summary of the amount of simulated data were described.
Speaker: Łukasz Sawicki -
Managing large scale computing for MPD experiment
My main task during working in JINR was Managing large scale computing for MPD experiment. At the begging I had to get knowledge about mpdroot program which is used to simulate Multi Purpose Detector (MPD). Another task was to collect knowledge what my team needs on clusters and what resources can I acquired in JINR. I received access to LIT cluster (Supercomputer Govroun) and to job managing software DIRAC, used to work with RDIG (Russian Data Intensive Grid). My next task was to find how to work with it and prepare instructions. Based on experience and programs from NICA cluster written by co-workers I prepared working versions on LIT and RIDG resources.
Speaker: Krzysztof Dygnarowicz (Warsaw University of Technology) -
Implementation of THERMINATOR generator to the MpdRoot environment.
Presentation will be about how THERMINATOR generator was implemented in the MpdRoot environment, how to use it and perspectives for the future. Results accomplished with THERMINATOR will be presented as well. If applicable, audience will be able to ask some questions.
Speakers: Mr Maksymilian Odziemczyk, Filip Jakubczak -
Integration of the Therminator model with the MpdRoot environment
THERMal heavy-IoN generATOR (Therminator) is a model of Monte Carlo event generator for simulating collisions of heavy particles. The code is written in the object-oriented c++ language. In the MpdROOT environment simulations were launched for one and two events. Small code changes have been made to improve Therminator efficiency. Work is underway on the proper functioning of it on the Cluster. There are plans for the future to optimization of MpdTherminatorGenerator source and header file.
Speaker: Robert Mikoś -
Application of PROOF system to optimization processes of physical analysis for the MPD experiment
The aim of this project is to make processes of physical analysis faster. In everyday scientist work it is obvious that we want to have the results of our research in a few moments. Main goal of this pressentation is to show how we can achieve it. Which means: basic of developing a TSelector, automatization of processes of physical analysis (from users perspective). And show results of my work: speed up, data quality, efficiency. I going to discuss nowadays benefits of using PROOF (in the simplest version), and few ideas for the future.
Speaker: Kacper Skelnik -
Modelling Au-Au collisions in NICA collider energy spectrum using MPD programming environment
The main goal of this work was to perform Au+Au collisions generated within UrQMD model for different energies of NICA beam energy range. In order to obtain events generations, as well as physical analysis MPDroot environment was used. All the work was automatized via created macros and performed at NICA cluster. Simulations were held for intermediate energies of 4,7,9 and 11GeV.
Speakers: Maja Tureczek-Zakrzewska, Marta Monikowska -
Implementation of algorithms for reconstruction and identification of baryons, including strange baryons, in MPD experiment
In experiments like MPD, that study behaviour of particles, it is important to correctly identify registered particles. One problem is the identification of particles that generate signal in detector. Second is the reconstruction of baryons, that have life span too short to reach detectors. All of this is important in studying strong interactions between different baryon types.
The presentation will start with physics motivation for the study. Next, the process of identifying baryons using MpdRoot software will be explain. The results for proton identification and lambda reconstruction will be presented. In the end will be shown first attempts at creating correlation function for proton-lambda.
Speaker: Jakub Zielinski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) -
Particle identification based on combined information from ToF and TPC
A new approach to particle identification based on four methods including:
- dE/dx($p_{total}$)
- $\beta(p_{total)}$
- $m^2(p_{total)}$
- $m^2(dE/dx)$
This method takes advantage of Monte Carlo data to create templates for aforementioned distributions. The templates are then used to determine given track's identity.Speaker: Mr Tomasz Zawiślak (Warsaw University of Technology) -
Quality Assurance of particle collision simulation in MPDRoot
Program to analyze simulated data from .root files, which are available on PCs or NICA cluster system (2 versions) by creating histograms of:
- multiplicity
- transverse momentum
- polar angle
- pseudorapidity
- pseudorapidity in a function of polar angle.
Speaker: Aleksandra Mazur -
Development and optimization of detector visualization and MPD data
To properly simulate what happens after two particles collide in a detector one needs a properly modeled geometry of said machine. For later physical analysis it is important to know exactly what are its dimensions, where is it located in space, where are the particles located, what tracks did they leave. Also knowing how to add new detector or detector parts and where to put them in the code is important as well.
Speaker: Arkadiusz Czarnecki (Warsaw University of Technology) -
Development of visualisation for MPD experiment
Monte Carlo simulation plays a significant role in particle physics. Therefore, it is important that the geometry of MPD components in software needs to be as close to real as possible. Visualising simulations helps to create actual projection of detector and generated particles. The Cosmic Ray Detector reduces the amount of muons counted for analysis by detecting cosmic radiation. With given geometry and functional code it can be added to MPD simulation.
During presentation geometry of MPD will be shown as well as exemplary visualisation of collisions. The process of simulating events will be explained.Speaker: Mateusz Kowal -
10:30 AM
Coffee break
Naming and numbering application development for Equipment Database
Aim of our project was to create a multi-platform application which will enable identifying and stock-taking every single component used in NICA project. To achieve that we created Windows and Android mobile application which allows user to get acquaintance with NICA coding convention and generate or decode unique 10-character code of component given according to coding lists. Thanks to the application performing EqDb database shall become much more efficient and safer.
Speakers: Adam Biegański, Jakub Mrówczyński -
Cable tester design for NICA-MPD Platform
Such big experiments as NICA-MPD come along with a lot of multi-device connections. Therefore, the results of research may depend on quality and correct connection of signal cables. In this talk a complete design of cable tester for the NICA-MPD Platform will be shown, including software, electronical, and mechanical aspects of the device. The project layout has been optimized to provide possibility to check and validate the most popular signal cables. The device assembly process has been designed to meet the requirements of application in standard RACK cabinets.
Speaker: Grzegorz Nakielny (Warsaw University of Technology) -
Design and Implementation of a control and measurement system for testing the quality of Fiber Optic Tracks for the Slow Control System of the BM@N and MPD-NICA experiment
Nuclotron based Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) require a control and measurement system to test fiber optics. The system is important to ensure a quality of fiber optic tracks. It consists of different devices for measurement of various parameters. Control and measurement system will be used to check optic cable tracks, which were connected to the network in four of Slow Control System's RACKs and all fiber optics in future.
Speaker: Dawid Kraśko -
Upgrade of the MPD/TOF Test Stand Gas System and Control Software
In this work gas system for MPD/TOF test stand and its control software development are discussed. Some elements of the gas instalation were modified. In order to provide proper functioning of the devices PID controllers were added. To choose proper settings of the PID controllers the Ziegler-Nichols method was used. Conducted software tests turned positive. System works properly and can be further developed.
Speaker: Mr Filip Mąkolski -
Time synchronization of electronic devices in RACKs NICA-MPD-PLATFORM using GPS NI-9467-c-RIO
In order to provide the same time to every devices there is a need to construct special system. In NICA project synchronization will be managed by GPS. System designers can use this module for accurate data timesampling, system clock setting, gating data acquisition based on the arrival of the PPS and synchronizing
global waveform acquisition data using the FPGA.Speakers: Kamil Chęć, Piotr Sawicki, Monika Wasilewska -
Fire extinguishing unit software development for the Slow Control system of the MPD-ToF detector
Software development for a fire-protection units of the Slow Control System was set as a part of the RACK infrastructure modernization at Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The main goal of the system, as any other fire-extinguishing systems, is to protect health and life of people and to preserve the equipment inside the RACK’s cabinets. Therefore, a fire protection system should work in conjunction with an automatic gas fire suppression system.
Additionally, the system should be easy to setup and be as unnoticeable as possible during the working conditions of the amenity. It should not cause additional hazards. It is desirable for it to be easy both to install and configure, while keeping the overall costs reasonable.
The software for 2 generations of FRS-RACK extinguishing modules had been designed using the development environment LabVIEW 2016. Software is intended to read the data from the sensors of the Firesi FRS-RACK and its visualization.Speaker: Nikita Dunin (JINR)
11:50 AM
Lunch break Conference room...
Conference room...
Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa -
TeFeNICA Session Centrum Zaawansowanych Materiałów i Technologii CEZAMAT
Centrum Zaawansowanych Materiałów i Technologii CEZAMAT
Poleczki 19, 02-822 Warszawa, PolskaPresentations of Student's reports after TeFeNICA programme
XYZ Scanner for magnetic field studies
Topic of the presentation is XYZ Scanner. This mechanical structure should allow to place a gauge (eg. Magnetometer) in a specified point in space. In NICA project it will be used for analysis of magnetic field uniformity in magnets. Existing project is 1D scanner, designed and constructed using Bosch aluminium profiles. Motion is realised by step motors with 3D printed parts. Developed software allows to control engines. Further development trend is extending project to all dimensions.
Speaker: Witold Olech -
Conception and development of the system for the magnetic field strength measurement in the NICA-MPD PLATFORM surroundings created using NI myRIO technology
Research and development of monitoring software to measure and save data of the Earth’s magnetic field for NICA-MPD-PLATFORM. Due to the presence of unwanted background magnetic fields or uniform magnets with defects in their magnetic field, that could affect measurements, it was necessary to create magnetic field monitoring system. For that purpose a system was created with use of magnetometer MAG3110 and NI myRIO. The software to collect and record magnetic field in three axes with the option of changing the frequency and number of measurements was created. The final program can also calibrate raw data.
Speakers: Jakub Głuch, Paulina Marikin (Faculty of Physics of Warsaw University of Technology) -
Embedded data processing using NI MyRIO and LabVIEW for magnetic field measurements
The task concerned the improvement of operation of the magnetic field measurement system, containing the MAG3110 magnetometer. LCD screen has been connected to the system in order to display the measurement results. Data logging to the USB drive connected directly to the MyRIO system has been configured. The sensor has been calibrated.
Speaker: Hanna Gałach -
R&D of the r, φ scanner mechanical construction for the scintillator detector background radiation measurements
The aim of this project is the introduction to research and development of a prototype drive system for various sensors in the r, φ coordinate system. The device was designed for extensive solutions, but in this case, the focus was particularly on the cosmic ray measurement system. An extremely important issue was the easiest possible adaptatability to various applications, therefore the proposed solution was made mostly in the technology of aluminum profiles. The designed solution is expected to study areas up to 1m in length and 2π angle. After auspicious prototype tests and meeting the primary assumptions, the final device is assumed to examine the expanse up to 3m in length and 2π angle. The continuation and further progress of the project will consist of the manual preparation of the measuring device, software development and real cosmic ray measurements performance.
Speakers: Martyna Winnik, Monika Nadolna -
α, β, γ radiation monitoring in the working area of the MPD Slow Control electronic equipment.
Project focuses on α, β, γ radiation monitoring. Firstly, three Gamma-Scout detectors were tested if the measurements taken in the same location are equal within 5% uncertainty. Next, detectors where moved to three different locations. Data collected from those locations in three available working modes (detection of γ, β+γ and α+β+γ radiation) was analyzed to determine potential influence of the rack’s case on radiation levels. Also, based on received data of radioactive sources (Eu-152 and Thorium) tested using Radateh photoelectronic detector three spectrograms were generated and compared, to conclude best utility of each type of detector. Further tasks involved developing software for a self-built Geiger-Müller counter using NI myDAQ and LabVIEW environment.
Speakers: Ms Alicja Jakubowska (Warsaw Univeristy of Technology, Faculty of Physics), Ms Marta Robak (Warsaw Univeristy of Technology, Faculty of Physics), Ms Anita Zagrobelna (Warsaw Univeristy of Technology, Faculty of Physics) -
Design and heat transfer simulations for the MPD-TOF detector cooling system
Electronic devices’ overheating may cause functioning problems and production of inaccurate data in the experiment’s detectors. The aim of the project was to design the most optimal and efficient way of cooling the MPD-TOF detector’s module, to ensure the optimal operating condition for the Front End Electronics. The work cosisted of preparing detailed CAD model of the existing module and proposed cooling system, and performing CFD simulations of heat transfer inside the module.
Speaker: Agata Ptak (WUT) -
Data Aquisition from spectrometry and dosimetry systems using LabView environment
Presented work could be divided into two main tasks.
One of them was to modify existing software programs for three types of detectors: SiPM spectrometer, Geiger-Mueller counter and Gamma-Scout dosimeters.
All the programming was made in LabView graphical development environment.
Another assignment was to measure radiation intensity in three different surroundings: inside the rack, inside the building and outside the building. The aim was to examine the background radiation which would be needed for correct interpretation of the data aquired during NICA experiment. All the measurements were done using dosimeters connected to computers by USB interface. All the data was compared and statistically analysed.Speakers: Ms Urszula Dąbrowska (Warsaw University of Technology), Ms Paulina Zawadzka (Warsaw University of Technology), Ms Ewelina Kołpa (Warsaw University of Technology) -
Analyzing the thermal images taken by Fluke TiS20 thermal imager
Overheating electronic elements can causes them to function improperly, because of that measuring and controlling the temperature are major factors in terms of their longevity and reliability. Measurements can be done in discrete approach by using thermometers or by taking images using thermal imager and then analyzing them. In case of utilizing second approach it is easier to measure variety of subsystems in vastly reduced time, without necessity to setup whole array of apparatuses. By writing versatile MATLAB program I was able to analyze thermal images that can be used to investigate overheating elements, mean temperature and prepare graphs that can be used in future thermal analysis such as CFD simulations.
Speaker: Filip Protoklitow -
Heat transfer simulation of the BM@N -STS detector
Silicon Tracking System (STS) will be part of tracking system in Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron (BM@N) experiment. Such detector consists of high amount of silicon chips, which are consuming significant electric power. Most of this power is dissipated in chip as heat, this process can couse overheating of chip or even whole detector. CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) thermal simulation might be used to investigate the overheating risk. Moreover results of such simulation can be used to design temperature stabilisation system
Speaker: Maciej Czarnynoga (Politechnika Warszawska) -
Heat transfer simulations for three TOF-MPD detector modules
As is common knowledge, electronics produce heat while working. The tasks were to carry out simulations of heat transfer between three of 28 modules of MPD-TOF detector and also research a method to carry them out using results of a simulation for only one module. Simulations have been performed with a usage of CFD method.
Speaker: Mr Kacper Nowacki (Warsaw University of Technology) -
Optimalization of the gas distribution system for the MPD-TOF detector module
The MPD-TOF detector is a gas detector in which an optimized gas distribution system plays a key role. The main task of this system is to ensure an even, laminar flow of the working fluid throughout the detector volume. During the work, various variants of the gas distribution system were prepared inside the MPD-TOF detector module. Next, flow simulations were carried out for each variant using the CFD method. Based on the results obtained, the optimal option was selected.
Speaker: Mr Andrzej Ryczek -
The prototype of an air based cooling system for the Slow Control System of the MPD-TOF detector
In order to keep RACKs clean of any dust and other particles, the decision has been made to hermetically close them off from the environment. This however can lead to overheating of electronic devices inside. Due to that, a special cooling system was designed. It consists of two sets of fans, two transducers (measuring temperature and humidity) and radiators. All the elements are connected to a computer with the usage of RS-485 wires and the MODBUS protocol. The main goal of this project was to prepare, assemble and install all of the aforementioned equipment.
Speakers: Anna Szumigała, Michał Maciałowicz -
Heat transfer simulation of the MPD-TPC detector
The main task was to make temperature simulations for MPD-TPC detector. Model of ROC from MPD-TPC detector was made in line with actual dimensions of real model in Autodesk Inventor program. Whole model was drawn with all PCBs and cooling system. Then thanks to Autodesk CFD program were carried out calculations of model in temperature domain in case of temperature change gradient examination.
Speaker: Maciej Czerkawski -
Heat simulations for the pxi module and rack 42u
During the internship in JINR has been set up a problem with the electronics heat up in the RACK cabinet. It should ensure the right work conditions, the basic parameter is temperature. For that reason it has formed a need to see the heat transfer in the RACK cabinet and also the PXI module.
Speaker: Michał Gałązka (Warsaw University of Technology) -
Analysis of background radiation with a scintillation counter
The project concerns an analysis of background radiation with a scintillation counter. It included a series of measurements in different external conditions and attitude of the device. The analysis and comparison of the results was carried out in terms of the use of the device in the NICA project. Conclusions pointed out some of device's flaws which should be taken into consideration during the final experiment.
Speakers: Kamila Kempny, Paweł Dębowski, Anna Kierznowska -
Design of cooling system for equipment installed in RACK's 42U 19"
The subject of this work is laboratory solution of pure cooling system for equipment installed in RACK 42U 19'' in conditions of forced long-term operation (20 years). The designed system is a closed system operating with liquid and air cooling medium.
The scope of work includes getting acquainted with the technical and functional requirements and designing the required structures, which include: servo drive housings, liquid cooler modules, carrier transport profiles and elements constituting a connection of the enclosure interior with the cooling system, called casing. The aim of the project is to adapt and design the required structures to the existing RACK dimensions, minimizing the complexity of individual elements and maximizing the ease of their mutual assembly.
Detailed drawings have been made for the designed elements in accordance with the applicable engineering graphics, which will then be forwarded to the manufacturer in Poland.Speaker: Bartlomiej Juruc -
Setup of the heat transfer inside the TOF-MPD detector
Time of Flight (TOF) detector is a part of Multi Purpose Detector (MPD), crucial element of the NICA complex. The detector generates signal that carries information needed for the particle identification. Complex physical proces of forming output signal requires maintaining the amplifier circuits at specific temperature. Overheating may induce major signal distorsions and - in worst case – damage of the detector. To avoid that scenario, many thermal simulations were performed.
The aim of this work was to build instrument for multipoint temperature measurement inside the TOF module and collect the essential data to verify the simulations. To assemble this setup, Pt100 type RTD sensors and LUMEL SM1 modules were used. Next, in order to multiply input channels, custom multiplexer circuit were built. Afterward, specialised LabVIEW software was created for circuit control and data aquisition.
The presentation presents the design concepts, problems encountered and obtained results during the described work.Speakers: Jakub Zdziebłowski, Krystian Idźkowski -
Integration of temperature monitoring software inside the Master and Slave 19 ” RACK cabinets for the Slow Control System of the MPD-TOF detector
To avoid getting dust inside RACKs it was decided to close them as hermetically as possible and provide the closed air loop venntilation. In each cabinet there are temperature and humidity transducers , fans modules and radiators. Using RS-485 standard based on the MODBUS protocol and modules of logic outputs, fans are being switched on and off depending on temperature inside each RACK and their work time. The cabinets are working in master-slave configuration. Software is easy to adjust to load settings from database.
Speaker: Monika Kutyła (Warsaw University of Technology) -
Software for device designed to measure radiation absorption of various materials
Speech about software designed to control the device that measures
radiation absorption of various materials. Made during Slow Control
Summer Practice 2019 let user measure without the hazard of being
exposed to the ionizing radiation.Speakers: Mr Maciej Marcinkiewicz (WUT), Mr Michał Foltys (WUT) -
Monitoring and stabilistation of the test laboratory enviornment Time od Flight for NICA - MPD - PLATFORM
The aim of this project was to design and construct system for environmental monitoring and stabilisation inside test laboratory for MPD-TOF platform. The presentation includes schematics of proposed system design, brief description of its function, accomplished tasks and proposed plans for future development.
Speakers: Klaudia Pachulska (Warsaw University of Technology), Jędrzej Kołaś