Oct 21 – 25, 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Call for papers is open! Please submit your paper!


The Conference will be held on the central campus of the Warsaw University of Technology. The venue is a newly constructed building of the Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management (CZiTT). For those familiar with the campus and the location of the Building of Physics - the venue is aproximately 200 m from there.

The WUT campus can be reached easiest from the Warsaw Central Railway Station (Warszawa Centralna), either by a 10 min walk or one-stop tram ride. The route is shown in the map below, please note the location of the CZiTT Building, which is to the left from the Faculty of Electronics and Faculty of Civil Engineering buildings.

Accommodation is not included in the price of the conference. Participants need to book it by themselves. For accommodation recommendations see: Accommodation.

We have prepared a guide with the locations that might come in handy. Guide is available here.