Oct 21 – 25, 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Call for papers is open! Please submit your paper!


The NICA days 2019  and IVth MPD Collaboration Meeting are organized by the Heavy-Ion Reaction Group at the Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna.

The organizers can be reached with:
e-mail: tefenica@jinr.ru


International Advisory Committee:

NICA DAYS 2019 Scientific Committee:

M. Budzyński, UMCS (Lublin, Poland)
P. Giubellino, FAIR (Darmstadt, Germany)
V. Kekelidze, JINR (Dubna, RF)
R. Lednicky, JINR (Dubna, RF)
V. A. Matveev, JINR (Dubna, RF)
B.Yu. Sharkov, JINR (Dubna, RF)
A. Sorin, JINR (Dubna, RF)
I. Tserruya, (Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel)
M. Waligórski, (IFJ PAN,  Cracow, Poland)

W. Chmielowski, (NCBJ, Świerk, Poland; JINR, Dubna, RF)
M. Gazdzicki, (Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany)
V. Golovatyuk, (JINR, Dubna, RF)
K. Grebieszkow, (WUT, Warsaw, Poland)
M. Kapishin, (JINR, Dubna, RF)
A. Kisiel, (WUT, Warsaw, Poland; JINR, Dubna, RF)
M. Ławryńczuk, (WUT, Wrasaw, Poland)
P. Magierski, (WUT, Warsaw, Poland)
M. J. Peryt, (WUT, Warsaw, Poland; JINR, Dubna, RF)
S. Plamowski, (WUT, Warsaw, Poland)
J. Pluta, (WUT, Warsaw, Poland)
M. Rybczynski, (JKU, Kielce, Poland)
T. Starecki (WUT, Warsaw, Poland)
L. Świderski, (NCBJ, Świerk, Poland)
T. Traczyk, (WUT , Warsaw, Poland)
H. P. Zbroszczyk, (WUT, Warsaw, Poland)

IVth MPD Collaboration Meeting Organizing Committee:

Local Organizing Committee

A. Kisiel, (WUT Warsaw, Poland; JINR Dubna, RF)
O. Belova, (JINR, Dubna, RF)
V. Golovatyuk, (JINR , Dubna, RF)
N. Molokanova, (JINR, Dubna, RF)
D. Peshekhonov, (JINR, Dubna, RF)
Y. Potrebenikov, (JINR, Dubna, RF)

M. J. Peryt (WUT Poland; JINR Dubna RF)
(Chairman of the Organizing Committee)

M. Milewicz-Zalewska (JINR Dubna RF)
(Secretary of the Organizing Committee)

M. Bielewicz, (NCBJ Poland; JINR Dubna RF)
M. Czarnynoga, (WUT Poland)
D. Dąbrowski, (WUT Poland; JINR Dubna RF)
E. A. Efimova, (JINR Dubna RF)
Ł. Graczykowski, (WUT, Poland)
P. Horodek, (IFJ Poland; JINR Dubna RF) 
M. A. Janik, (WUT Poland)
J. M. Pluta, (WUT Poland)
F. Protoklitow, (WUT Poland)
K. Rosłon, (WUT Poland; JINR Dubna RF; )