1 June 2019 to 30 September 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone
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Naming and Numbering Convention for the NICA Project Part Identification & Generic Scheme

Not scheduled
347 (k. 215)


k. 215

Software programming (Java, 3D modelling, LabView, SCADA WinCC etc.) Slow Control System 2019 TeFeNICA and Slow Control final presentations


Mr Jakub Mrówczyński (Warsaw University of Technology)Mr Adam Biegański (Warsaw University of Technology)


Aim of our project was to create a multi-platform application which will enable identifying and stock-taking every single component used in NICA project. To achieve that we created Windows and Android mobile application which allows user to get acquaintance with NICA coding convention and generate or decode unique 10-character code of component given according to coding lists. Thanks to the application performing EqDb database shall become much more efficient and safer.

Primary authors

Mr Jakub Mrówczyński (Warsaw University of Technology) Mr Adam Biegański (Warsaw University of Technology) Ms Michalina Milewicz-Zalewska (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research)

Presentation materials

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