21–25 Oct 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone
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Integration of temperature monitoring software inside the Master and Slave 19 ” RACK cabinets for the Slow Control System of the MPD-TOF detector

25 Oct 2019, 15:25
Centrum Zaawansowanych Materiałów i Technologii CEZAMAT

Centrum Zaawansowanych Materiałów i Technologii CEZAMAT

Poleczki 19, 02-822 Warszawa, Polska
TeFeNICA Student's Session TeFeNICA Session


Monika Kutyła (Warsaw University of Technology)


To avoid getting dust inside RACKs it was decided to close them as hermetically as possible and provide the closed air loop venntilation. In each cabinet there are temperature and humidity transducers , fans modules and radiators. Using RS-485 standard based on the MODBUS protocol and modules of logic outputs, fans are being switched on and off depending on temperature inside each RACK and their work time. The cabinets are working in master-slave configuration. Software is easy to adjust to load settings from database.

Primary authors

Monika Kutyła (Warsaw University of Technology) Krystian Rosłon


Marek Peryt (Warsaw University of Technology) Michalina Milewicz-Zalewska (Joint Institute for Nuclear Reactions) Mr Daniel Dabrowski (Warsaw University of Technology) Nikita Dunin (JINR) Marcin Bielewicz (Nacional Centre for Nuclear Research)

Presentation materials