21–25 Oct 2019
Europe/Warsaw timezone
Call for papers is open! Please submit your paper!

Design and heat transfer simulations for the MPD-TOF detector cooling system

25 Oct 2019, 13:25
Centrum Zaawansowanych Materiałów i Technologii CEZAMAT

Centrum Zaawansowanych Materiałów i Technologii CEZAMAT

Poleczki 19, 02-822 Warszawa, Polska
TeFeNICA Student's Session TeFeNICA Session


Agata Ptak (WUT)


Electronic devices’ overheating may cause functioning problems and production of inaccurate data in the experiment’s detectors. The aim of the project was to design the most optimal and efficient way of cooling the MPD-TOF detector’s module, to ensure the optimal operating condition for the Front End Electronics. The work cosisted of preparing detailed CAD model of the existing module and proposed cooling system, and performing CFD simulations of heat transfer inside the module.



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