The Fast Beam-Beam Collisions (FBBC) monitor, based on the application of the secondary emission detectors – the Micro Channel Plates (MCPs), is proposed for NICA experiments at JINR. Two interaction points are foreseen for beam intersections at NICA: one for heavy-ion studies with the Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) and another one for the polarized beams for the Spin Physics (SPD) experiment. The fast MCPs with the improved performance characteristics such as low resistivity (100-500 MOhm) 6μ channels, high efficiency of MIPs registration and high gain (~107), the extended life duration, very short signals with fast rise-time (~0.8ns), are proposed for the event-by-event monitoring of the beam-beam interactions. The ultra-high vacuum compatibility and the low-mass compact design allow the application of the MCP setup inside the vacuum beam-pipe.
The conceptual design of the Beam-Beam Collisions detector and fast readout electronics is presented and discussed.
Acknowledgments: The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project №18-02-40097/19