Krzysztof Dygnarowicz
(Warsaw University of Technology)
My main task during working in JINR was Managing large scale computing for MPD experiment. At the begging I had to get knowledge about mpdroot program which is used to simulate Multi Purpose Detector (MPD). Another task was to collect knowledge what my team needs on clusters and what resources can I acquired in JINR. I received access to LIT cluster (Supercomputer Govroun) and to job managing software DIRAC, used to work with RDIG (Russian Data Intensive Grid). My next task was to find how to work with it and prepare instructions. Based on experience and programs from NICA cluster written by co-workers I prepared working versions on LIT and RIDG resources.
Primary authors
Krzysztof Dygnarowicz
(Warsaw University of Technology)
Oleg Rogachevskiy
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))
Adam Kisiel
(Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
Daniel Dabrowski
(Warsaw University of Technology)
Krystian Roslon
(Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
Marcin Bielewicz
(Nacional Centre for Nuclear Research)
Marek Peryt
(Warsaw University of Technology)
Michalina Milewicz-Zalewska
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Reactions)
Nikita Dunin