21–25 Oct 2019
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MPD electromagnetic calorimeter simulation

23 Oct 2019, 10:40
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Centrum Zarządzania Innowacjami i Transferem Technologii Politechniki Warszawskiej cziitt@pw.edu.pl ul. Rektorska 4 00-614 Warszawa
MPD Collaboration Meeting MPD Collaboration Meeting


Mr Maxim Martemianov (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - ITEP (RU))


In a frame of the NICA / MPD project, a unique cylindrical electromagnetic calorimeter (ECal) is being created. Recently, the design of the power frame made of carbon fiber was completed. This led to significant changes of the calorimeter structure. This report gives a brief description of the new ECal geometry, the modification of simulation procedure and the current basic parameters of the calorimeter. The ECal geometry simulation is based on the standard software of
the MPD detector: MpdRoot and FairSoft. In the new version, the calorimeter consists of 38,400 “shashlik” towers with 210 layers combined from a 1.5 mm scintillator plate and 0.3 mm lead plate coated with reflective paint. The shapes of the towers are approximately a truncated pyramid with a base of 44 cm2 and of 64 types, more accurately described by a set of trapezoids. All towers look at the point of the beam intersection, forming the so-called projective geometry. Each calorimeter module is formed of 16 towers. All modules are placed in 50 baskets with a total weight equal to 1.2 tons each. As part of this program, independent module options have been developed to use in the test measurements on cosmic ray and electron beams. This work was supported by RFBR grants № 18-02-40054 and № 18-02-40079.

Primary author

Mr Maxim Martemianov (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - ITEP (RU))


Igor Tyapkin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Andrei Semenov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Viacheslav Kulikov Mikhail Matsyuk (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - ITEP (RU)) Yury Krechetov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Sergey Bulychjov (NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - ITEP (RU)) Irina Semenova (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

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