The research programme of the NA61 collaboration covers a wide range of hadronic physics in the CERN SPS energy range. It encompasses measurements of hadron-hadron, hadron-nucleus as well as nucleus-nucleus collisions. The latter are analyzed to better understand the properties of hot and dense nuclear matter. In this contribution recent results on particle production in proton-proton, Be+Be,...
The strong interactions program of NA61/SHINE, a fixed-target experiment at the CERN SPS, focuses on the search for the critical point of strongly interacting matter. The strategy of the Collaboration is to perform a comprehensive two dimensional scan of the phase diagram $\mu_{B} – T$ by changing the collision energy and the system size. If in this scenario, the system freeze-out occurs in...
The NA61/SHINE detector, at the CERN SPS, is undergoing a major upgrade during the LHC Long Shutdown 2 period (2019-2021). The upgrade is essential to fulfil the requirements of new open charm measurement program. It is necessary to stress that this new physics goal can be achieve only when the readout rate will be increase by a factor 10 and the resolution of the secondary vertex in the high...
In this report I would like to show, first of all, briefly, the main challenges of the Inner Tracking System (ITS) design for ALICE that were successfully met, which is proved by 10 years of operation at the LHC. Secondly, the conceptual current design of the Vertex Detector for open charm at the NA61/SHINE will be discussed for two options of Small and Large Area Detector systems (SAVD...
The obsolete left-right time-of-flight system (TOF-LR) of the hadron spectrometer NA61/SHINE require upgrades due to significant ageing of scintillators, photo-multipliers, power supplies as well as the outdated readout electronics and cables. New TOF detectors based on multi-gap resistive plate chambers (MRPC) for the NICA experiments are proposed as a replacement.
The progress on design and...
The lead/scintillator transverse and longitudinal segmented forward hadron calorimeters will be used in the upgraded NA61 and BM@N experiments and future CBM, MPD experiments to measure centrality and reaction plane orientation in heavy ion collisions. Similar calorimeter has been already used at the NA61 experiments on the search for the critical point and the onset of deconfiment in...
Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology is widely used in many application in nuclear and particle physics. It offers the potential to develop new gaseous detectors with unprecedented spatial resolution, high rate capability, sizeable sensitive area, operational stability and radiation hardness. In this contribution, a brief overview of gaseous detector development at the University of Warsaw...
Fixed target experiments have an unique possibility to measure centrality of colliding systems by hadronic calorimeters on the beam line. This is usually achieved by the detection of all forward nucleon spectators and accomplishes fluctuation and correlation measures with lower biases than in collider experiments. However, hadronic calorimeters have much lower resolution than multiplicity...