Influence of relativistic nucleon dynamics on the scalar quark condensate in nuclear matter

14 Oct 2020, 18:10


Poster report Section 4. Relativistic nuclear physics, elementary particle physics and high-energy physics. Poster session 4 (part 2)


Dr Valentina Sadovnikova (PNPI)


The scalar quark condensate $\kappa(\rho)=\langle M|\sum_{i}\bar q_i q_i|M\rangle$ in nuclear matter can be presented as $\kappa(\rho) =\kappa(0) + \kappa_N\rho+S(\rho)$ with $\langle M|$ the ground state of the matter while $q$ are the operators of the light quarks $u$ and $d$. Here $\rho$ is the density of the matters, $\kappa(0)$ is the vacuum value of the condensate. In the second term on the right hand side the matrix element $\kappa_N$ is $\kappa_N=\langle N|\sum_{i}\bar q_i q_i|N\rangle$ with $\langle N|$ standing for the free nucleon at rest. This matrix element can be expressed in terms of the nucleon sigma term $\sigma_N$ related to observables. The various experiments provide the values between 40 MeV and 65 MeV for $\sigma_N$. The first two terms in definition of $\kappa(\rho)$ compose the gas approximation.

The contribution $S(\rho)$ describes the change of $\kappa(\rho)$ caused by the nucleon interactions. It was demonstrated that $S(\rho)$ is due mostly to the pion cloud created by interacting nucleons (see [1] for references). In the latter calculations $S(\rho)$ was obtained employing the nonrelativistic approximation for nucleons of the matter (curve $1$ in Fig.1). The latest results obtained in framework of chiral perturbation theory [2] are shown by the curve $2$.

In the present report the matter is viewed as a relativistic system of nucleons. In the first step we neglect their interactions. We find that the quark condensate can be presented as $\kappa(\rho)=\kappa(0)+\kappa_N \rho F(\rho,m^*(\rho))$ with $F(\rho, m^*(\rho)) =2/(\pi^2\rho)\int^{p_F}_0\,dp\,p^2\,m^*/\sqrt{m^{*2}+p^2}$. Here $p_F$ is the Fermi momentum, $m^*$ is the nucleon Dirac effective mass. Note that the same function $F(\rho,m^*(\rho))$ connects the vector and scalar densities in the Walecka model.

The effective mass $m^*$ can be calculated in a hadron model. In the version of QCD sum rules presented in [3] the right hand side of the scalar channel equation contains the effective mass $m^*(\rho)$ while the left hand side contains the scalar condensate $\kappa(\rho, m^*(\rho))$. Thus we come to self-consistent equation for $m^*(\rho)$ which was solved in [3]. Here we employ these results for calculation of $\kappa(\rho)$ (curve $3$ in Fig.1). One can see that inclusion of the relativistic dynamics of nucleons is as important as that of nucleon interactions.

[1] E.G.Drukarev,M.G.Ryskin,V.A.Sadovnikova, Phys.Atom.Nuclei,v.75,p.334(2012).
[2] S.Goda and D.Jido, Phys. Rev., v.C88,065204(2013).
[3] E.G.Drukarev,M.G.Ryskin,V.A.Sadovnikova,Eur.Phys.J.,v.A55,p.34(2019).

Primary author

Prof. Eugene Drukarev (PNPI)


Presentation materials