Silicon Tracking System as a Part of Hybrid Tracker of BM@N Experiment

13 Oct 2020, 17:25


Oral report Section 3. Modern nuclear physics methods and technologies. Section 3. Modern nuclear physics methods and technologies


Dmitrii Dementev (JINR)


In order to study the high-density nuclear equation-of-state in collisions between gold nuclei at Nuclotron beam energies (2– 4.5A GeV), the existing BM@N experiment at JINR in Dubna has to be substantially upgraded. The measurement of high-multiplicity events at interaction rates up to 5 MHz requires the installation of four new tracking stations equipped with double-sided micro-strip silicon sensors, which have been developed for the CBM experiment at FAIR. It has been demonstrated by simulations that the hybrid tracking system comprising four silicon stations and seven (already partly existing) GEM tracking detectors will be able to reconstruct charged particles including hyperons emitted in Au+Au collisions with good efficiency and high signal-to-background ratio. The results of the simulations and the status of the detector development are presented.

Work is supported by RFBR 18-02-40047 grant.



Dr Yuri Murin (JINR) Aleksei Sheremetev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU))

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