An overview of experimental results on the level structure of heavy helium isotope 8He, obtained in the reactions of the stopped pion absorption by light nuclei, is presented. Excited states of the 8He were observed in several reaction channels on the 9Be, 10,11B and 12C nuclei: 9Be(pi-,p)8He, 10B(pi-,pp)8He, 11B(pi-,pd)8He, 11B(pi-,3He)8He, 12C(pi-,p3He)6He, 14C(pi-,d4He)8He and 14C(pi-,t3He)8He. The results of measurements of the 9Be(pi-,p)8He are presented for the first time. Important advantage of this method is the possibility to study with high statistics a wide range of excitation energies up to Ex = 40 MeV.
Several levels with high excitation were found only in our measurements. Channels with correlated neutrons make a significant contribution to the continuous spectrum of studied reactions. Note that similar neutron correlations were observed in reactions of formation of heavy helium isotopes 6,7He.
A comparison with experimental and theoretical data other works is performed.