16 Oct 2020, 16:45


Oral report Section 1. Experimental and theoretical studies of the properties of atomic nuclei. Section 1. Experimental and theoretical studies of the properties of atomic nuclei


Igor Izosimov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


Successful applications of the total absorption $\gamma$-spectroscopy $(TAGS)$ for the $\beta$-decay strength function $S_{\beta}(\textit{E})$ resonance structure study, methods of $TAGS$ spectra interpretation, and results of analysis of $S_{\beta}(\textit{E})$ structure for the Gamow-Teller $(GT)$ $ \beta^{+}/EC$ and $\beta^{-}$ -decays were summarized in [1,2]. Development of experimental technique allows application of methods of nuclear spectroscopy with high energy resolution for $S_{\beta}(\textit{E})$ fine structure measurement [2-4]. First results of the $S_{\beta}(\textit{E})$ fine structure study were summarized in [2,3].The combination of the $TAGS$ with high resolution nuclear spectroscopy may be applied for detailed decay schemes construction [2]. It was shown [2-4] that the high-resolution nuclear spectroscopy methods give conclusive evidence of the resonance structure of $S_{\beta}(\textit{E})$ for $GT$ and first-forbidden $(FF)$ $\beta$-transitions in spherical, deformed, and transition nuclei. High-resolution nuclear spectroscopy methods [2-5] made it possible to demonstrate experimentally the reveal splitting of the peak in the $S_{\beta}(\textit{E})$ for the $(GT)$ $ \beta^{+}/EC$-decay of the deformed nuclei into two components.
The operating principle of a total-absorption $\gamma$-spectrometer is based on summation of the energies of the cascade $\gamma$-rays produced after $\beta$-decay to excited levels of the daughter nucleus in $4{\pi}$-geometry. There are two methods of the $TAGS$ spectra analysis [1]. In the first one it is necessary to identify the total absorption peaks in $TAGS$ spectra and have $4{\pi}$-spectrometer with exponential energy dependence of the photoefficiency (i.e., the ratio of the number of pulses in the total absorption peak to the number of $\gamma$-ray incident on the detector) for $\gamma$-ray registration. Only in this case the efficiency of $TAGS$ peak registration does not depend on the details of decay scheme [1,3]. This method gives good results, but can be applied for nuclei with total $\beta$-decay energy $ \textit{Q}_{\beta}$ less than $5-6 MeV$. Quantitative characteristics may be obtain as a rule only for one ($\beta^{-}$-decay) peak and for two peaks ($\beta^{+}/EC$-decay) in $S_{\beta}(\textit{E})$ [1-3].
The second method is based on so called response function application, but a lot of assumption must be done for extraction the $S_{\beta}(\textit{E})$ shape from the $TAGS$ spectrum shape. Analysis depends on the assumptions [1] about the decay scheme which as a rule is not known. It is very difficult to estimate the associated systematic errors of such analysis [1] and only qualitative information about $S_{\beta}(\textit{E})$ may be obtained.
$TAGS$ can’t distinguish the $GT$ and $FF$ transitions and don’t take into account the conversion electron emission, which give the systematic uncertainties, especially for high $Z$.
In this report some results of $TAGS$ spectra analysis are considered. It is shown that only combination of $TAGS$ with high resolution nuclear spectroscopy methods may give the quantitative information about $S_{\beta}(\textit{E})$.

  1. Yu.V. Naumov, A.A. Bykov, I.N. Izosimov, Sov. J. Part. Nucl., $\textbf{14}$, 175(1983). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233832321
  2. I.N. Izosimov, Phys. Part. Nucl., $\textbf{30}$, 131(1999). DOI: 10.1134/1.953101
  3. I.N. Izosimov, et al, Phys. Part. Nucl., $\textbf{42}$, 1804(2011). DOI: 10.1134/S1063779611060049
  4. I.N. Izosimov, et al, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, $\textbf{381}$, 012054 (2012). DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/381/1/012054


Igor Izosimov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

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