Precision Timing Detectors - LGADs: LGAD
- Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN Torino (IT))
- Ivan Vila Alvarez (Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC))
- Roberta Arcidiacono (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
The latest development of LGAD sensors by IHEP-NDL in China have been evaluated with laser , beta source and test beam. The result of proton irradiation at CIAE will be introduced. The simulation of LGAD based on TRACS and TCAD study with irradiation modeling will also be shown.
The new 6" CNM SoI LGADs are studied under neutron irradiation on fluences up to 5e15 neq/cm2. Gain reduction, dark rate, leakage current and breakdown voltage is estimated for two different doping concentrations of the gain layer. Through charged particle measurements, the time resolution and gain is estimated for sleeted fluneces in three different temperatures (-10C, -20C and -30C).
Several sets of LGADs produced by HPK and CNM withing the framework of ATLAS high granularity timing detectors were irradiated with reactor neutrons up to fluences of 6e15 cm-2. After the irradiation they underwent controlled annealing at 60C. At each annealing step the sensors were measured with Sr90 electrons at -30C in timing setup. The evolution of signal and time resolution at different...
Low-Gain Avalanche Diodes (LGADs) exhibit excellent timing performance, in the orders of a few tens of ps, thanks to a combination of high signal-to-noise ratio and short rise time. This technology has attracted interest for applications in a wide variety of fields such as in timing detectors for High-Energy Physics experiments or for the detection of neutrons with precise timing, among...
In this contribution we present recent results on the characterization of Resistive AC-Coupled Silicon Detectors (RSD) produced by FBK in 2019. Both electrical measurements and signal response of un-irradiated sensors will be presented. Being the RSD devices intended for 4D particle tracking, we also show preliminary but very promising results about their spatial and time resolution. All the...
In this contribution, we will present the latest results from laboratory measurements on UFSD3.1 production form FBK. Focus of the production is to investigate different strategies to design inter-pad on LGAD sensors, to reduce at minimum the size of the no-gain region between pads, while maintaining stable operation of the detectors.
Trench-Isolated LGAD (TI-LGAD) is a novel LGAD design where the standard inter-pixel isolating structure has been replaced with a trench, physically etched in the silicon and filled with a dielectric material.
The first TI-LGAD samples with 250 µm pitch have been produced at FBK and characterized with I-Vs and C-Vs analysis. In this contribution, we will discuss the technology design and the...
Trench-Isolated Low-Gain Avalanche Diodes (TI-LGAD) are a recent development of LGAD, in which the standard isolation structures are replaced by narrow trenches that are etched in the Silicon substrate. Trenches allow reducing the inactive region between pixels from the 30-40 microns of the standard technology down to a few microns, significantly improving the fill factor of TI-LGADs with...
The maximum operating voltage, efficiency and stability of 1x1 mm highly proton and neutron irradiated LGADs is presented for a boron, boron+carbon and gallium gain layer. Through charged particle measurements, electrical characterization and risk analysis using experience on calamities, a discussion is introduced on establishing safe operating limitations on thin LGADs.
In this contribution, I will review our current understanding of the working points of UFSDs manufactured by HPK and FBK during the lifetime of the CMS and ATLAS timing layer detectors.
Specifically, I will point out the achievable time resolution as a function of fluence, including the effect of the leakage current Shot noise.