We study the dependence of neutral current (NC) neutrino-induced π0/photon production (νμ+A→νμ+1π0/γ+X) on the atomic number of the target nucleus, A, at 4-momentum transfers relevant to the MiniBooNE experiment: Δ resonance mass region. Our conclusion is based on experimental data for photon-nucleus interactions from the A2 collaboration at the Mainz MAMI accelerator. We work in the approximation that decays of Δ resonance unaffected by its production channel, via photon or Z boson. 1π0+X production scales as A^2/3, the surface area of the nucleus. Meanwhile the photons created in Δ decays will leave the nucleus, and that cross section will be proportional to the atomic number of the nucleus. Thus the ratio of photon production to π0 production is proportional to A^1/3. For carbon 12C this factor is ≈2.3. MiniBooNE normalises the rate of photon production to the measured π0 production rate. The reduced neutral pion production rate would yield at least twice as many photons as previously expected, thus significantly lowering the number of unexplained electron-like events.