July 28, 2020 to August 6, 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

General Public

In parallel with the scientific programme, ICHEP2020 is proud to offer an incredible programme of talks, workshops, activities and even a DJ set for the general public. Most activities will be online, but you still have a chance to join in live with some activities and ask questions. The Colliderscope DJ Set will be transmitted live from the world-renowned scientific laboratory CERN in Geneva to Prague’s famous Cross Club.

All activities are free; for some of the workshops you may want to join in at home, so plan a quick shopping trip beforehand to make sure you have what you need. You will also have the opportunity for many activities to ask questions live. 

The full programme is below, click on each header to know more about each schedule. All programme will be broadcast on youtube.


Under the aegis of Czech artist Vladimir Kokolia, this project for high school students aims to bring together art and physics through the creation of individual works which will be exhibited online.

The Big Bang Stage brings together an exciting selection of contributors from all over the world. Slime, old mobile phones, beer, space travel and much more to discover in this programme for all ages.



Delve into the mysterious world of black holes and gravitational waves with this talk by 2017 Nobel prize winner Barry Barish.

Ponořte se do tajemného světa černých děr a gravitačních vln. Více informací o této přednášce laureáta Nobelovy ceny za fyziku 2017 Barryho Barishe naleznete zde.

A panel discussion with scientific experts exploring the ways fundamental science has positive impacts on us all in our everyday lives.


Full overview of the Public Programme


Monday 3 August 2020


Wednesday 5 August 2020


Thursday 6 August 2020

Live event in Cross Club Plynární 1096/23, Praha 7

  • 18:30 CEST - Vidět zvuk, slyšet světlo (účinkuje: ÚDiF alias Úžasné Divadlo Fyziky, jazyk: čeština)
  • 19:30 CEST - Fyzika piva: show+workshop (účinkuje: Martin Rybář, jazyk: čeština)
  • 20:30 CEST - ColliderScope Music (živý stream z CERN, účinkuje: Lawrence Lee, Jr.)


ICHEP 2020 :: C O L L I D E R S C O P E (Oscilloscope Music)