For the PDF version, click here or see the bottom right corner of the Overview tab.
1. Support
2. Introduction
3. Zoom roles
4. Test room
5. Organization of sessions
6. Poster sessions
7. Time for discussions
8. Acknowledgement
1. Support
If there is any doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us with further questions beyond the scope of the presented handbook. All participants are encouraged to send inquiries to
During sessions
Should you encounter any urgent technical issues, you are kindly requested to communicate them exclusively via Mattermost chat:
A channel called ‘Support’ will be set up, which you can find within the ‘Public channels’ group close to the bottom.
As described later on, the participants are kindly requested to test their technical set-up well ahead of time to minimize the number of issues emerging during the conference. For this purpose, there will be a Zoom test room prepared; see subsection Test room for details.
For every session, there will also be a Zoom technical assistant (ZTA) present in the virtual meeting or webinar room to help with setting up the room.
2. Introduction
The following pages give some basic information about how the ICHEP2020 conference will be organized and some basic introduction to Zoom. We hope you will find them useful.
2.1 Zoom
The plenary sessions of ICHEP2020 will take place in Zoom Webinars, allowing up to 3000 attendees, while most of the 17 parallel sessions (the only exception being the Neutrino Physics session, where more participants are expected) will be organized using the Zoom Meeting platform (up to 500 participants). The virtual meeting and webinar rooms for both the parallel and plenary sessions will be created by the conference organisers. The links to join the webinars and meetings will be available in Indico, while the passwords to access them will be sent by e-mail to the registered participants of the conference.
2.2 Recording
The sessions will be recorded; we would like to inform you that by participating at the virtual ICHEP2020 conference, you automatically give us consent to do so.
2.3 Youtube
All the plenary and parallel sessions (but not poster sessions) will also be streamed on YouTube as so-called unlisted videos (they will not be listed on the YouTube website) on the ICHEP 2020 channel. This means that the YouTube conference streams will only be accessible to those who have the links, which will be provided in Indico. Note that the YouTube live stream will typically be delayed by 20 – 30 s with respect to Zoom and will start being broadcast 2 minutes before the sessions start.
2.4 Mattermost
For each parallel session as well as plenary and poster sessions, the conference organisers will set up a channel in the Mattermost chat system. As it will become most important during the plenary sessions, the chairs will monitor these channels to see if there are questions there and transfer them to speakers of the session (ZTAs will also help monitor the chat and transfer the questions to chairs, if needed). The chairs will then decide whether to take these questions or rather pass on them and take questions from attendees who raised hands in Zoom. The advantage of the Mattermost chat (over the Zoom chat window) lies in the fact that the discussion there might continue after the related talk finishes. The link to join the Mattermost ICHEP2020 chat team will be sent by e-mail to the registered participants of the conference. Note that we also prepared a detailed PDF guide on how to use Mattermost, which will be available in Indico.
2.5 Premieres and replay sessions
There are replay sessions scheduled and clearly distinguished in the timetable from so-called premieres (live sessions). Note that there is always one premiere plenary session or one premiere set of parallel session blocks (together with at most one set of poster session blocks) and one or two sets of replay session blocks every day. Speakers are strongly encouraged to join the replay sessions and answer questions that might arise on the associated Mattermost channels, which are meant to be used during the replay. Note that the replay sessions will be solely broadcast on YouTube; the links will be again available in Indico.
2.6 Indico
Needless to repeat, the links to sessions (Zoom and YouTube links for the live sessions and YouTube links only for the replay sessions) can be found in Indico throughout the conference. Please check it regularly for possible changes. The access to Indico during the conference will not be restricted to registered participants only; for this reason, please keep the Zoom passwords safe. We also kindly ask all the participants to become acquainted there with the ICHEP2020 Code of Conduct.
3. Zoom roles
3.1 Zoom Webinar
The Zoom Webinar platform will be used for plenary sessions and the Neutrino Physics parallel session. It distinguishes 4 roles: hosts, co-hosts, panelists, and attendees.
Hosts and co-hosts
They can mute/unmute participants, see ”raised hands”, lower others’ hands, etc. The webinar session has to be started by the host (or an alternative host), who can assign co-host permissions. The ZTAs will be hosts of the sessions. The session chairs will be co-hosts of the webinar.
They can unmute themselves, broadcast their video, share the screen. The speakers should be panelists. They are allowed to join a webinar in ‘Practice mode’ even before it is broadcast to the audience; as described below, we kindly ask the speakers to use this opportunity to test their audio/video. They and the hosts can see the messages of the chat sent to ‘All panelists’.
They cannot unmute themselves unless a host has given them permission to do so. They ask for this permission by ”raising hands”. All the participants that are not hosts or panelists are attendees. They can join the webinar only once the hosts have started broadcasting it. They can only see messages in the chat window sent to ‘All panelists and attendees’, but not those sent to ‘All panelists’. They cannot see who the other attendees are.
For more information, see Roles in a webinar.
3.2 Zoom Meeting
The Zoom Meeting platform will be used for most of the parallel sessions. It distinguishes 3 roles: hosts, co-hosts and participants.
Hosts and co-hosts
They can mute/unmute participants, etc. The meeting session has to be started by the host (or an alternative host). The ZTAs will be hosts of the sessions. The session chairs will be co-hosts of the meetings.
They can unmute themselves, broadcast their video or share the screen, unless these features are disabled by a (co-)host. All those who join the meeting and are not (co-)hosts are participants.
For more information, see Roles in a meeting.
4. Test room
If you would like to make a test ahead of time, we have prepared a Zoom room (link, password: ICHEP-test) that you may use to test your Zoom set-up, get fully familiar with screen sharing, and fine-tune your video and audio settings.
The room will be available from Friday, July 24, 1 p.m. (Prague local time).
At any time, you might ask a colleague of yours who can connect with you to this Zoom room to test independently your audio and video.
Moreover, in the same room there will be a ZTA available to give you feedback on your set-up (or, for instance, give session conveners the possibility to test the co-host rights) during the following time slots (all Prague local time):
July 24, 1 – 3 p.m.
July 27, 9 – 11 a.m. and 3 – 5 p.m.
July 28, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
5. Organization of sessions
At least 30 minutes before the premiere (live) session block of the day
The virtual room for the plenary or particular parallel session will be started by the conference organizers and will remain open for the whole session.
In case of the Webinar-like event, the session will start in the ‘Practice Mode’; there is no ‘Practice mode’ for the Meeting-like sessions (applies for most of the parallel sessions).
Connecting to the virtual room
To connect to the virtual room associated with a particular session block, please follow the related link in Indico.
10 minutes before the plenary and webinar-like parallel sessions starting time
The ZTA will start to broadcast the webinar: From now on, the attendees will be able to join the meeting.
2 minutes before the session starting time
The YouTube streaming will start now.
The recording will start now on the computer of the host who started the meeting.
During sessions
Speakers and participants of the meetings should mute themselves unless they are speaking; attendees are by default muted during the webinar and just the hosts and session chairs can unmute them during Q&A.
For the webinars, the attendees can submit questions at the end of each talk using the ‘Raise hand’ feature in Zoom.
Attendees and participants should first say their name before asking their question when unmuted.
Attendees can post questions in the chat box, but only if they cannot use the ‘Raise hand’ feature (due to a noisy environment, etc.).
Coffee break/discussion session
The recording will be paused now.
For the meeting-like sessions, the coffee break/discussion session will take place in the same virtual room as the sessions.
In case of the webinar-like event, the coffee break/discussion session will be moved to a separate room.
After the last live presentation of the day
The virtual room will stay open up to 1 hour after the last talk, in case there will still be an ongoing discussion.
6. Poster sessions
Poster sessions will not be recorded nor streamed. For a better experience in the online format of the conference, poster sessions have been modified into parallel sessions with short talks rather than A0 posters. The sessions will take place in Zoom meeting rooms organized as 9 parallel meetings with typically 8 posters grouped in one meeting room:
The room will be the same one as for the parallel session of the same topical track.
The session will start with a short presentation of the posters by all authors, followed by questions and a free discussion.
Additionally, the Mattermost chat channels will be open for poster sessions, where chatting about posters will be possible during the poster sessions as well as during the whole conference.
7. Time for discussions
Please help us make the conference lively and join discussions at ICHEP2020. There are several options.
7.1 Discussion sessions
During parallel sessions
The Zoom rooms of all tracks will stay open for an hour after the end of the session. This time is dedicated to informal discussions among the audience and the speakers. Some of the tracks use this time for discussions on specific topics; please check the agenda.
During plenary sessions
You are invited to join the panel discussions with the speakers of the plenary sessions. You will have a unique opportunity to ask questions and learn more about your favourite topic. The times of the panel discussions can be found in the agenda.
Private Zoom rooms
We encourage the presenters to open their own Zoom rooms, which they can announce during their presentations and which should take place outside the agenda of their track. For more information, we refer interested speakers to section Other recommendations for speakers in Instructions for speakers and session chairs.
7.2 Mattermost
The discussions on Mattermost will be open during the whole conference. You can ask questions that you cannot ask during the session. Moreover, please have a look in the Coffee break room. This is the place where the off-topic discussions will take place. We are also preparing a quiz for you or you can visit an online exhibition here.
8. Acknowledgement
We would like to thank the organizers of the LHCP2020 conference for sharing with us their handbook so that we could use it as a starting point for the presented ICHEP2020 handbook.