July 28, 2020 to August 6, 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone


The proceedings of the ICHEP2020 will be published in PoS (Proceedings of Science, the open-access online journal organized by SISSA, the International School for Advanced Studies based in Trieste. https://pos.sissa.it).

The paper should be written in LaTeX or with the help of a word-processor (such as LibreOffice or MS Word).

An invitation to submit was sent by PoS on September 16, 2020. In case you have not received the email, please let the Editorial board of ICHEP2020 know.
(Email: sci@ichep2020.org)

The page limits are:

Plenary talk: 10 pages, including the title and reference pages.
Parallel talk: 6 pages, including the title and reference pages.
Posters: 3 pages, including the title and reference pages.

The submission deadline is November 15  December 11, 2020.

Note: Authors can submit contributions on ArXiv in the PoS tempate as long as the logo, watermark and copyright line are removed.

Editorial Board: Dagmar Adamova, Kamil Augsten, Jana Bielcikova, Tomas Davidek, Zdenek Dolezal, Torben Ferber, Tomas Husek, Karol Kampf, Jiri Kroll, Alexander Kupco, Jiri Kvita, Rupert Leitner, Michal Malinsky, Michal Marcisovsky, Daniele Margarone, Miroslav Myska, Pavel Reznicek, Constantinos Skordis, Martin Spousta, Miroslav Sulc, Sarka Todorova, Jaroslav Trnka, Barbara Trzeciak, Vit Vorobel, Radek Zlebcik