28 July 2020 to 6 August 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Diversity and Inclusion at Belle II

31 Jul 2020, 13:39
virtual conference

virtual conference

Poster 16. Diversity and Inclusion Dark Matter Detection/Diversity and Inclusion - Posters


Shanette De La Motte


The Belle II collaboration comprises over 1000 international high energy
physicists, who investigate the properties of b-quarks and other
particles at the luminosity frontier.
In order to achieve our aim of a successful physics program, it is essential that we enable contributions from a diverse community, whether that be diversity in gender, sexuality, or disability, to name a few.
2018 saw the election of two officers to lead in this task, by promoting
an inclusive atmosphere, raising awareness of diversity, and being a
safe first point of call for issues of discrimination and harassment.
This poster will summarise the above efforts, as well as examine the
demographics of our community. We are committed to ensuring our scientific collaboration evolves towards being an accurate reflection of the global population.

Primary author


Kay Kinoshita (University of Cincinnati) Matthew Barrett (KEK)

Presentation materials