Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by the gauge $SU(3)_f$ quantum flavor dynamics (QFD) with scale $\Lambda$. Anomaly freedom demands addition of three right-handed neutrinos $\nu^f_{R}$. The QFD Schwinger-Dyson equation for fermion self-energies $\Sigma_f(p^2)$ spontaneously generates:
(I) three Majorana masses $M_{fR}$ of $\nu^f_{R}$ of order $\Lambda$; (II) three Dirac masses $m_f$ same for all SM fermion species in $f$ exponentially small with respect to $\Lambda$. (I) $M_{fR}$ give rise to masses of all flavor gluons $C_a$ of order $\Lambda$. (II) $m_f$ give rise: (1) to $W,Z$ masses of order $\sum m_f$, the effective Fermi scale; (2) to extra masses of six $C_a$ of order $m_f$. The symmetry partners of the composite 'would-be' NG bosons
are: (I) three Higgses $\chi_i$ with masses at $\Lambda$; (II.1) the SM-like Higgs $h$ with mass at Fermi scale; (II.2) two new Higgses $h_3$ and $h_8$ with masses at Fermi scale. Fermion mass splitting in $f$ is due to $\Sigma_f(p^2)$ dependent vectorial vertices of SM fermions with photon, $W$ and $Z$ enforced by WT identities.
Secondary track (number) | 01 |