28 July 2020 to 6 August 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Torsion through time-loops on bidimensional Dirac materials

29 Jul 2020, 18:05
virtual conference

virtual conference

Talk 10. Formal Theory Formal Theory


Dr Pablo Pais (Charles University)


After a brief review of how to describe the π electrons of Dirac materials and topóligical defects, such as disclinations and dislocations, we propose a scenario where the effects of dislocations, in bidimensional Dirac materials, can be described, at low energies, by a vertex proportional to the totally antisymmetric component of the torsion generated by such dislocations. It is suggested that the two-dimensional geometric obstructions, already known in the literature, can be avoided by including time in the description of π electrons. In particular, the emphasis is placed on exotic time-loops, which could be obtained from the hole-particle pair excitations. If torsion/dislocation is present, a net flow of particles-antiparticles (holes) can be inferred and, possibly, be measured.


Dr Adamantia Zampeli (Charles University) Prof. Alfredo Iorio (Charles University) Prof. Marcelo F. Ciappina (ICFO, Barcelona) Dr Pablo Pais (Charles University)

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