28 July 2020 to 6 August 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Abstract for The JUNO Calibration Strategy and its Simulation

29 Jul 2020, 13:39
virtual conference

virtual conference

Poster 12. Operation, Performance and Upgrade of Present Detectors Operation, Performance and Upgrade of Present Detectors - Posters


Mr Kangfu Zhu (xi'an jiaotong university)


Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a 20 kton liquid scintillator detector under construction in China,which is designed to primarily determine the neutrino Mass Hierarchy(MH) by detecting reactor anti-neutrinos via inverse beta decay.JUNO energy response is strongly position-dependant due to the detector structure and dimension.The energy resolution should be <3%/ (the quantity under the square root sign is E) to determine MH in 3σ in 6 years, so the calibration complex is very critical and has been designed.In this poster, the study including Calibration Strategy and simulation work will be presented.


Mr Kangfu Zhu (xi'an jiaotong university) Prof. Qingmin Zhang (xi'an jiaotong university)

Presentation materials