28 July 2020 to 6 August 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Construction, installation and operation of ProtoDUNE-SP

28 Jul 2020, 17:35
virtual conference

virtual conference

Talk 12. Operation, Performance and Upgrade of Present Detectors Operation, Performance and Upgrade of Present Detectors


Stefania Bordoni (Michigan State University (US))


The single-phase liquid argon TPC at CERN (ProtoDUNE-SP) is an engineering prototype for the first module of the DUNE far detector. This prototype which has dimensions of a cube of about 10m edge, provide full validation of the use of the membrane tank technology for large dimension cryostats. Furthermore, the very high performance of the protoDUNE-SP TPC with more than 500 days of continuous and stable operation, demonstrated the reliability of the LAr detection technology at a scale never tested before. In this talk we will review the main characteristics and milestones of the construction and installation of protoDUNE-SP which provide a series of benchmarks for DUNE. The performance for several different detector working points will also be discussed.

Secondary track (number) 13


Stefania Bordoni (Michigan State University (US))

Presentation materials