28 July 2020 to 6 August 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Social media and storytelling: tools to raise engagement with physics

30 Jul 2020, 08:20
virtual conference

virtual conference

Talk 15. Education and Outreach Education and Outreach


Valentina Scotti


According to the Global Digital Report 2020, social media active users reach 49% of the world population, with an annual growth of 9%. Due to the penetration of social media in everyday life, many scientific collaborations and institutions are present on different social media platforms and recognize the role they play in reaching a wider audience. Social media engagement can positively influence not only scientific communication, but also the day-to-day job of scientists involved, since their presence on social networks can increase their networking and impact beyond the research community.
I will share my experience as a social media manager of INFN Napoli and the CSES-Limadou Collaboration. We used social media as a tool to convey a correct message about research activities and to share the emotional side of research. I will discuss the strategies implemented on different platforms, and the way we used storytelling to increase the engagement. Social media proved to be very powerful in connecting physicists with the non-specialized public, in particular with students, and each other.
Increasing the visibility and engagement of physicists can have a huge impact on how non-physicists see scientists and their relationships to science and the scientific community.


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