I am going to report on recent study, at a qualitative level, production of jet pairs in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions within a framework combining High Energy Factorisation (HEF) and in-medium propagation of jet particles that takes into account stochastic transverse forces as well as medium-induced radiation. We find that the resulting di-jet observables feature the behaviour deviating from that of jet-pairs which undergo transverse-momentum broadening following the Gaussian distribution. The result follows from application of only recently solved by Kutak, Straka, Placzek evolution equation formulated by Blaizot, Dominguez, Iancu, Mehtar-Tani, Dominguez.
The application of recently solved equation allows for studies of interplay of energy loss via branchings and rescattering leading to broadening therefore in the end to more detailed study of structure of jets in Heavy Ion Collisions.