28 July 2020 to 6 August 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Investigation of high energy behaviour of HERA data

28 Jul 2020, 20:00
virtual conference

virtual conference

Talk 06. Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics


Dr Agnieszka Łuszczak (Cracow University of Technolog & DESY Hamburg)


We analyse the high precision HERA $F_2$ data in the low-$x$, $x<0,01$, and very-low-$x$, $x<0.001$, regions using $\lambda$-fits. $\lambda$ is a measure of the rate of rise of $F_2$ defined by $F_2 \propto (1/x)^{\lambda}$. We show that $\lambda$ determined in these two regions, at various $Q^2$ values, is systematically smaller in the very-low-$x$ region as compared to the low-$x$ region. We discuss some possible physical interpretations of this effect.

Our observation that the value of the exponent $\lambda$ decreases at small values of $x$, indicates that measurements at the future ep colliders, like VHEeP or LHeC will become exciting, as they will approach the high energy limit of the virtual photon-hadron cross sections, where DGLAP and BFKL meets and the confinement effects should become simple.

The analysis is based on Phys.Lett. B802 (2020) 135199.


Dr Agnieszka Łuszczak (Cracow University of Technolog & DESY Hamburg) Henri Kowalski (DESY)

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