28 July 2020 to 6 August 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Recent Searches for Hidden-Sector Particles with BABAR

28 Jul 2020, 17:00
virtual conference

virtual conference

Talk 09. Dark Matter Detection Dark Matter Detection


Yunxuan Li (California Institute of Technology)


Many models of dark matter and hidden sectors predict new particles with masses below the electroweak scale. Low-energy electron-positron colliders such as BABAR are ideally suited to discover these hidden-sector particles. We present several recent BABAR searches for low-mass hidden- sector particles, including new searches for prompt and long-lived leptonically decaying hidden scalars produced in association with tau leptons. This search is sensitive to viable models that could account for the muon $g-2$ excess. We also present results a search for dark muonic forces, and for invisible particles produced in six-quark final states. These examples show the importance of $B$-factories in constraining and discovering new hidden-sector physics beyond the Standard Model.

Secondary track (number) 09 Dark matter detection

Primary author

Fabio Anulli (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))

Presentation materials