28 July 2020 to 6 August 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Search for CPT and Lorentz Violation Effects in the Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab

29 Jul 2020, 16:00
virtual conference

virtual conference

Talk 03. Beyond the Standard Model Beyond the Standard Model


Ms Meghna Bhattacharya


The Muon $g-2$ Experiment at Fermilab measures the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, $a_{\mu}$, with improved precision compared to the previous experiment at Brookhaven National Lab (BNL).
The value of $a_{\mu}$ from BNL currently differs from the Standard Model prediction by $\sim 3.6$ standard deviations or higher, suggesting the potential for new physics and therefore, motivating a new experiment.
The Fermilab experiment follows the measurement principles of the BNL experiment, injecting a beam of positive muons into a storage ring, which focuses the beam with a combination of magnetic and electric fields. The muon anomaly relies on the measurement of the spin precession frequency $\omega_a$ about the muon momentum.
The study and analysis of CPT and Lorentz violation in g-2 provide a good test of the standard model (SM) as well as strong
constraints on new physics. The BNL g-2 experiment analyzed the spin precession frequency of the muons stored in the ring and searched for two Lorentz and CPT violating signatures. One of those signatures, the sidereal variation of $\omega_a(t)$, will be discussed for the Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment in this presentation. This talk will present the methodology and give a status update on the Run 1 analysis.

Secondary track (number) 05.


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