28 July 2020 to 6 August 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Neutrino event reconstruction in DUNE using Pandora

31 Jul 2020, 12:45
virtual conference

virtual conference

Talk 02. Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics


Leigh Howard Whitehead (University of Cambridge (GB))


The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment is a next-generation neutrino oscillation experiment that will search for CP-violation. A key component of this analysis is separating neutral-current backgrounds from the charged-current electron neutrino signal interactions. The wide-band neutrino beam produces highly detailed and complex final state event topologies in the liquid argon time projection chambers, requiring state-of-the-art event reconstruction algorithms. This talk details the application of the Pandora Software Development Kit, a framework to facilitate a multi-algorithm approach to event reconstruction, to DUNE simulated interactions. The picture of the overall event is gradually built up through a chain of algorithms, each focusing on a small piece of the overall problem until the neutrino interaction is fully reconstructed in 3D. The methods used in the algorithms range from simple cluster pattern recognition to deep learning techniques using convolutional neural networks.

Secondary track (number) 14

Primary author

Leigh Howard Whitehead (University of Cambridge (GB))

Presentation materials