Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

28 July 2020 to 6 August 2020
virtual conference
Europe/Prague timezone

Baryogenesis, thermal and non-thermal production of dark matter within the IHDM desert in Scotogenic model

29 Jul 2020, 13:54
virtual conference

virtual conference

Poster 02. Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics - Posters


Ms Lavina Sarma (Tezpur University)


The Scotogenic model is a minimal extension of Standard Model by three neutral singlet fermions($N_{k}$) and an inert scalar doublet($\eta$) which are $Z_{2}$ odd.Considering this model,we choose the lightest neutral scalar($\eta_{0}$) as the DM candidate with its mass lying in the intermediate mass range,i.e $M_{W}$ < $M_{DM}$ $\leq $550 GeV to show relic abundance and the lightest of $N_{k}$ with $M_{N_{1}}$ as low as 10 TeV to show $N_{1}$ baryogenesis.The calculation of baryogenesis is carried out with the lightest neutrino mass obeying the recent Planck limit and the effective neutrino mass satisfying the bounds from KamLAND-Zen.The mass splitting of the other scalars in $\eta$ field is varied to see how it affects the thermal as well as non thermal production of observed relic.We also scan the parameter space for DM-Higgs coupling $\lambda_{L}$ and $M_{DM}$,taking into account bounds from relic abundance and direct detection experiment XENON1T.

Secondary track (number) 08

Primary authors

Ms Lavina Sarma (Tezpur University) Prof. Mrinal Kumar Das (Tezpur University)

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