Formal Theory: Session II - Premiere
- Jaroslav Trnka (University of California, Davis)
Formal Theory: Session III - Premiere
- Jaroslav Trnka (University of California, Davis)
Formal Theory: Session II - Replay
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Formal Theory: Session III - Replay
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Phenomenologically relevant electroweak precision pseudo-observables related to the Z-boson physics are discussed in the context of strong experimental demands of future e+e- colliders.
The recent completion of two-loop Z-boson results is summarized and a prospect for the 3-loop SM calculation of the Z-boson decay pseudo-observables is given.
We present an overview of the phenomenological implications of the theory of resummed quantum gravity. We discuss its prediction for the cosmological constant in the context of the Planck scale cosmology of Bonanno and Reuter, its relationship to Weinberg's asymptotic safety idea, and its relationship to Weinberg's soft graviton resummation theorem. We also discuss constraints and consistency...
Mass-split composite Higgs models naturally accommodate the experimental observation of a light 125 GeV Higgs boson and predict a large scale separation to other heavier resonances. We explore the SU(3) gauge system with four light (massless) and six heavy (massive) flavors by performing numerical simulations. Since the underlying system with degenerate and massless ten flavors is infrared...
The minimal realistic SO(10) model with adjoint representation causing GUT symmetry breaking is appealing candidate for realistic Grand Unified Theory. Moreover, the model allows one to make significant improvement in the proton lifetime error estimates due to the suppression of the potential gravitational effects influencing the GUT scale physics. We tackled the comprehensive numerical study...
We evaluate axial vector transition form factors in holographic QCD models that have been shown to reproduce well recent experimental and theoretical results for the pion transition form factor. Comparing with L3 data on f1→γγ∗ we find remarkable agreement regarding the shape of single-virtual form factors, while deviating, in the double-virtual case, from a simple dipole model used previously...
After a brief review of how to describe the π electrons of Dirac materials and topóligical defects, such as disclinations and dislocations, we propose a scenario where the effects of dislocations, in bidimensional Dirac materials, can be described, at low energies, by a vertex proportional to the totally antisymmetric component of the torsion generated by such dislocations. It is suggested...
We discuss the main features of the scalar sector of a class of BSM models with enlarged gauge symmetry, the so called 331 Models. The theoretical constraints on the scalar potential such as unitarity, perturbativity and boundedness-from-below, are presented, together with the analytical exact digitalization of the scalar sector. The phenomenology of exotic scenarios predicted by the 331...
We discuss a 2+1 dimensional model holographically realized as the boundary theory of a four-dimensional gravity model in Anti de Sitter (AdS) spacetime. The result is achieved through suitable boundary conditions for the D=4 fields, and an effective model for massive spin-1/2 fields on a curved background is obtained.
The (unconventional) supersymmetry of the boundary model allows to...
Feynman integrals are crucial for obtaining physical predictions from perturbative quantum field theory. Recent years have seen tremendous advances both in our understanding of Feynman integrals, and in our ability of computing them. In particular, novel ideas linking properties of loop integrands to the differential equation method have lead to an unprecedented degree of automation of...
We present an approach to computing energy-energy correlations (EEC) directly from finite correlation functions. In this way, one completely avoids infrared divergences. In maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory (N=4 sYM), we derive a new, extremely simple formula relating the EEC to a triple discontinuity of a four-point correlation function. We use this formula to compute the EEC in N=4...
We will first review the amplitudes of single Galileon theories with focus on the soft theorems. Both tree-level and one-loop level amplitudes will be studied. Generalization of multiflavour extension will be briefly discussed.
We study a bottom-up construction of effective field theories of spin-0 and spin-1 massless particles using the infrared structure of scattering amplitudes. We try to employ previously discovered two distinct probes of soft kinematics: multiple chiral soft limits for vectors and enhanced single soft limits for scalars.
We consider specific examples of ${\cal N} = 2$ supersymmetric quantum mechanical models and list out all the novel symmetries. In each case, we show the existence of two sets of discrete symmetries that correspond to the Hodge duality operator of differential geometry. Thus, we are able to provide a proof of the conjecture which endorses the existence of more than one discrete symmetry...
We develop a formal framework for constructing tree-level effective actions for $A_\infty$ and $L_\infty$ string field theories using the ideas of homological perturbation theory. We apply our results to obtain effective actions for massless fields at finite momentum in a large class of both bosonic and superstring backgrounds, making use of a novel propagator to account for integrating out...
Higgs sector of the Standard model (SM) is replaced by the gauge $SU(3)_f$ quantum flavor dynamics (QFD) with scale $\Lambda$. Anomaly freedom demands addition of three right-handed neutrinos $\nu^f_{R}$. The QFD Schwinger-Dyson equation for fermion self-energies $\Sigma_f(p^2)$ spontaneously generates:
(I) three Majorana masses $M_{fR}$ of $\nu^f_{R}$ of order $\Lambda$; (II) three...
The quantum field theoretical description of coherence in the oscillations of particles, especially neutrinos, is a standing problem in particle physics. In this talk, several inconsistencies of the standard approach to particle oscillations will be explained, and how they are resolved in a process-independent manner, by a novel approach inspired by the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory of...