10–14 Jan 2022
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Precision top mass determination

11 Jan 2022, 14:20
Online only

Online only

Parallel session talk Standard Model Precision SM Measurements


Dr Aditya Pathak (University of Manchester)


The top mass has been measured to sub percent accuracy, however, using Monte Carlo (MC) event generators, that induce an additional O(1 GeV) ambiguity in the measurement due a lack of precise field theoretic definition of the Monte Carlo top mass scheme. I will describe how the groomed jet mass distribution for boosted, hadronically decaying, top jets at the LHC is a promising observable for precision top mass. We have first principles hadron level prediction and a field theory inspired treatment of the Underlying Event, which enables $m_t$ determination via a direct comparison with the data, as well as calibration of the MC top mass. This is currently being pursued by ATLAS.

Primary author

Dr Aditya Pathak (University of Manchester)

Presentation materials