20th IPPOG meeting (via videoconference)
20th IPPOG meeting
The 20th IPPOG Collaboration Meeting will take place from Wednesday 2nd to Friday 4th of December 2020 via videoconference due to the Covid 19 travel restrictions.
Meeting Room
- Link: https://cern.zoom.us/j/94393522070
- Meeting ID: 943 9352 2070 (password will be sent by email one week prior to the meeting by Claudia Marcelloni)
We ask you to mind the following points helping to run the meeting smoothly:
- When connect to Zoom, please switch off your camera and mute your microphone. If you want or are asked to intervene, then unmute your microphone. If network allows and you don’t run into privacy issues, you can also switch your camera, as usually people like to see who is speaking.
- For questions/comments please raise your hands! The Chair(s) will monitor the hands and pass you the word at the appropriate time.
- The chatbox will also be monitored in case you want to write a question/comment or are difficulties with the system
Masterclasses Training Sessions
We plan to hold the training sessions on Tuesday, Dec 1, 13:30 – 15:00 with Masterclasses from Belle II, Darkside, Hadron Therapy, and MINERvA open to the IPPOG forum and the large CERN community. More info please look at the Indico page: https://indico.cern.ch/event/978441.
Working Groups
The working groups will be held at a different date/times as per below:
Masterclasses-to-New-Countries Working Group
- When: Mon 30 Nov, 15:00 CET
- Link: https://indico.cern.ch/event/978385/
Exhibits & Public Events Working Group
- When: Thursday 3 Dec, 9:00 CET
- Link: https://indico.cern.ch/event/981460
Note: there will be not working groups for pp for layperson or
Steering Group
The Steering Group for the International Masterclasses will be held at a different date/times as listed below.
- When: Dec 1st from 15:00 CET
- Agenda: https://indico.cern.ch/event/974885/